Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Robert Lazar and Area 51 By: Bry Anna Garate


What would you do if you were told that there was extra-terrestrial activity present in the world that we live in today? How would you react if you were to witness the strangest things that you have only seen in movies right in front of your own two eyes? Many conspiracies have been created amongst the human population about “Area 51”.  All which include hidden examinations by the government of the living and dead extra-terrestrials, the production of energy weapons that came from UFO’s that crashed, and the experimentation of a human- extra-terrestrial hybrids with the use of alien specimens that were said to be taken from the area. ("Area 51 Facts and Conspiracy Theories | Exploring Lifes Mysteries.") “Extra-terrestrial life does exist, the head of Nasa has confirmed, but said aliens were not hidden in Area 51.” ("Area 51 and Extra-terrestrial Life Both Exist, Says Head of Nasa”).

My character is Robert Scott Lazar, an individual who has claimed to have witnessed alien activity within the lines of Area 51 and who has many external and internal conflicts. Robert Lazar is a scientist who acquired a master’s degree in physics and in electronics. He was always known to be a highly intelligent man and what makes this individual so unique, is the amount of knowledge he obtains that he even wrote a thesis on magneto hydrodynamics (MHD). Lazar has worked as a technician in Los Alamos and as a physicist in the Polarized Proton Section dealing with particle accelerators. ("Robert Scott Lazar.")  Not only was he a technician and a physicist, on his free time away from work, he built a jet powered car and motorbike, as well as a car that has the ability to run off of hydrogen. ("Robert Scott Lazar.")

Robert Scott Lazar apparently knew a substantial amount of top secret information about the activities that were taking place in Area 51. He mentioned,

"I am exactly sure of what I saw. I know what mainstream science is like, I know where physics stands—I know all of that—and this is an extraterrestrial craft, this technology is hundreds and hundreds of years in advance of us, and that's the end of that story." - Bob Lazar ("The Bob Lazar Story.")  

Once this got into the public’s hands, people began to bombard Lazar with many interview requests to get the truth about everything that was being said. Many reporters began to research his past, but many found no records that pertained to Lazar. The old records of Robert Scott Lazar went missing and there were no traces of him even being born. ("Robert Scott Lazar.") Hiding all facts about Robert Scott Lazar and his accomplishments became a priority for the job that he once had.

The high-technology job that Lazar worked for wanted to be sure that he did not speak of what he was exposed to while on duty, therefore, he faced many external conflicts where people would say that Robert lazar was a fraud, he was threatened multiple times to not mention anything top secret, and he was even shot at for not speaking up about everything he knew and for speaking up when he finally did come to the public.  The reason he acted out upon coming to the public about what he has witnessed was due to his records being “missing”.  He thought that if he were to speak up, that people would know he was telling the truth if others really did take action into executing him. ("Robert Scott Lazar.")

Not only did Lazar experience external conflicts, but also internal conflicts such as knowing the “truth” about Area 51 and extraterrestrial technology and not being able to tell anyone, constantly living in fear of those who threatened his life, and for signing away his constitutional rights. There were people who believed him and supported his perspectives and ideas, but there were also people who completely negated anything that Lazar said. ("Physicist Claims Bob Lazar, Area 51 Whistleblower, Worked As ...")

As Robert Scott Lazar was worried for his life, in an interview with George Knapp, after Knapp asked, “You were worried about your LIFE though for a while there, weren't you?”  Lazar responded with “That was one of the reasons to come on and let everything out on the air; it's a little of insurance.” ("Robert Scott Lazar.") Lazar was responsible for wise decisions; he was a character that was motivated to get to the bottom of things and was definitely an individual who enjoyed exceeding standards to become the person who knew it all. Whether people believed him or not, he was the type of person to follow through with all of his personal perspectives about Area 51, Lazar was only one of the many who claim to have witnessed extraterrestrial activity.

Area 51 was discovered in April of 1955 and it is a region that has been mentioned many times about what this area truly contains within the signs that say, “No trespassing.” What could be so “dangerous” that society is banned from such an area? What exactly is happening inside of Area 51? There have been many conspiracy theories that have been created about the truth of this location. As mentioned previously this includes: hidden examinations by the government of the living and dead extra-terrestrials, the production of energy weapons that came from UFO’s that crashed, and the experimentation of a human- extra-terrestrial hybrids with the use of alien specimens that were said to be taken from the area ("Area 51 Facts and Conspiracy Theories | Exploring Lifes Mysteries."). These are only three conspiracy theories of the many that are out in the world waiting for people to believe.
There have been many people who claim to have seen alien related objects. People have created a stereotypical image of what they believe is extra-terrestrial due to movies and other things that are seen on the internet. There are a million things in this world that are posted for the world to see, but nobody ever knows if it is 100% factual. There is no solid information or facts that prove that actual aliens have been seen in Area 51.  Some individuals can see a deformed baby deer and quickly assume that it was an alien, because it has happened before. Being gullible is a major weakness within society and it has led to many rumors about everything that leads to Area 51.

Another conspiracy would be that people simply do not believe that Area 51 is related to any alien activity. It has been stated that not enough information or proof exists for people to come to the conclusion that humans are not the only living organisms on this planet. There are too many made up stories that lead society to believe that what they see is the only way “aliens” are depicted, but again…Where is the proof?
Lastly, there is also another conspiracy about how Area 51 hides alien “spacecrafts” and advanced technology to use in the future. Area 51 is an area that is considered “top secret” because it contains information for the government. It is said that a special and secret aircraft known as “Aurora” is what is being held in this location. Aurora is a special aircraft that has the capability of performing tasks in the sky that could cause people to assume that it has something to do with aliens ("Aurora Spy Plane.").  Anything that is seen near Area 51 is automatically connected to the alien conspiracy that was already bombarded with many other conspiracies.

The most reasonable conspiracy theory about such an area would be how people believe that Area 51 is a location that is used to create advanced aircraft and weapon systems and is prohibited from society Air Force security. This location is under surveillance and continuously protected by armed men. There wouldn’t be guards standing at the premises of this area if there was not something important that was being protected. The questions, “What do they not want society to see? And what are they hiding?” then falls into play as curiosity is what some people are best at. Area 51 serves as the home base for F-117 (“stealth planes”) operations, not spacecraft's that are seen in movies and in pictures that could be photo shopped at any time ("Area 51 Facts and Conspiracy Theories | Exploring Lifes Mysteries).

Although there are a number of conspiracies with and without factual information, people are going to continue to believe what they want to believe, therefore, coming down to a valid conclusion would be a task for one’s self. Numerous conspiracy theories are typically dismissed by the majority of the population ("Area 51 and Extra-terrestrial Life Both Exist, Says Head of Nasa”). The lack of evidence of abnormal or alien-like objects is what reframes society from coming down to the truth. Any individual can sit back and say what they believe Area 51 is all about, but then again, can you really believe them?…What exactly do YOU believe? 


Work cited

"Area 51 Facts and Conspiracy Theories | Exploring Lifes Mysteries."
Exploring Lifes Mysteries. 31 Jan. 2012. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
"Area 51 - Google Search." Area 51 - Google Search. Web. 10 Dec.
"Aurora Spy Plane." Aurora Spy Plane. Web. 7 Dec. 2015.
    "Physicist Claims Bob Lazar, Area 51 Whistleblower, Worked
                  As ..." Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
"Robert Scott Lazar." Robert Scott Lazar. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
  "The Bob Lazar Story." - UFO Evidence. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.


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