Many people have their own opinions on different theories, but 9/11 is one of the biggest conspiracy theories still to this date. 9/11 was a terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City 2001. Some of the biggest questions about the attack were, was this a government set up, was it a terrorist attack, or was this a planned attack by the p-president. Were the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers a set up? through the years, more supporting evidence has come to surface that the attack was a government set up who had worked with different groups to make the attack happen.
The destruction of the World Trade Center was a terrible day in U.S history. There were many lives that were lost and many hearts that were broken. First responders did everything they could to save as many people as possible. There`s many people that could not handle the raw destruction of the buildings and they felt pure fear in their heart.
One person who it had an impact on is the actual owner of the World Trade Center buildings. Larry Silverstein who was suspicious and the owner of the buildings was impacted in a very strange almost ironic way. It was shown that just before the attacks on the Twin Towers that “Larry Silverstein had taken an insurance deal that covered him for a terrorist attack” which is ironic that not long after the terrorist attack had happened almost as if it was planned (Emery 1). He has sued that actual airports themselves for lack of security for over $12 billion dollars. The scenario it`s self is very interesting with the timing of the attack and just how weird it is that he was almost aware that the attacks were going to happen.
Larry had a list of traits since his insurance law suit price was announced. He was a very proud man with what he accomplished by restoring the city with the World Trade Center. Even though lives were lost many people still believed that the love was still there. Even if the towers were all to make money Larry Silverstein was not the only person who was involved. There are many people who believe that everyone was in it for the profit, and that people who had invested in the stock for the air lines were already aware of the attacks. All the news came up not to long after the attack due to suspicion of how many people decided to pull their stock and ended up making a huge profit once everything cooled down.
Larry Silverstein was a very intelligent man with how he represented the buildings integrity and beauty. He wanted to represent how New York City believed that they were bold and brave. The towers represented hope and restored the confidence in New York. The city was brought back to life and it reflected on many other states. Larry was very proud that the buildings brought so much joy to the city and its people.
It is no surprise that people think Larry Silberstein is an outstanding person. There are many debates for if he is true to his word or if he`s just putting on a show. Larry has been a big name in media due to the allegations against him, but there is no doubt that he loves the people of his city and truly does want the best for everyone. He feels that the power his city has is amazing and loves to bring up anything on the topic.

Larry Silverstein has been in the process of rebuilding ground zero to have a symbolic place that can once again thrive. He has been eager to do it for a long time, and he`s not alone for wanting to rebuild the center. Larry has hopes for the tower; “The tower is not only a symbol of sustainability and safety, but also one of strength, durability, and endurance” (“One World Trade Center a symbol of strength” 1). All though its not the same area it will have the same meaning behind its integrity. Ground zero will remain untouched due to its historical background with the united states.
The U.S will forever be impacted with the act of 9/11. But New York has experienced the worst causing citizens to feel unhappy and weak at times. They have gone through a state of feeling uncomfortable being in public with appearance but have grown up to the attention and has turned it into something that has fueled the city heart and ego to where they have been more confident and wants to each other. Since Larry`s experience he has rebuilt the towers which surrounds ground zero resembling a symbolic which “it represents the very heart and soul of New York” (“One World Trade Center a symbol of strength” 1). The tower has been said to have risen from the ashes of 9/11 and shows the strength of the city.
Larry has been proud of what he has accomplished throughout the years and loves to see what has been done since the disaster. He feels pretty good to be able to do what he has in the world today (“Larry Silverstein Feels 'Pretty Damn Good?” 1). And overall many people have felt blessed that they have something to be proud of every day when they walk past or see in an article with what their city has pushed through.
There are many conspiracies that still go around in the world today. Many people choose to believe or not to believe most of them. One conspiracy that goes around has to do with 9/11 and the terrorist attacks. There are multiple points of view that have to do with this topic. There’s a total of two conspiracies that will be talked about within this paper.
One of the biggest conspiracies is that that could be an inside job that caused the attacks on the Twin Towers. There are many points that can be made that can make this true. One reason why you could be true is that “Larry Silverstein took out a big insurance policy that protected the towers from terrorist attacks”, not long before they happened which had raised a big red flag “Debunking the 9/11 Myths” (1). Larry ended up filing the insurance claims after the attack, which gave him a big cut of money adding up to “$4.6 billion” in total (1). There is a suspicion that Larry knew something that other people did not see coming but there’s no proof that can prove this allegation against him.
Another conspiracy is that there were bombs that were already embedded inside of the walls of the towers before the attacks happened. There were the remains of some type of “bomb found within the ashes of the towers” “Debunking the 9/11 Myths”(1). There are reasons to believe that the bombs were blown up after the planes had already flown into the towers. Many people believe this theory due to how the towers fell. Even though the towers are built to withstand an enormous amount of stress and they fell as if there is nothing left to support them. One man who supports this theory is Willie Nelson, he says that the reason he believes it is “the way the towers fell one floor after the other as if it was crumbling into itself” “Willie Nelson's 9/11 Conspiracy Theory” (1). Many people think it was more of demolition rather than a terrorist attack.
Another big conspiracy is Tower seven of the World Trade Center. There is evidence that shows it was not under enough stress to collapse as it did. Many people believe that this was a demolition rather than any debris falling on it that caused it to collapse. It appeared to have “collapsed seven hours after the towers next to it had gone down” “Debunking the 9/11 Myths” (1). There is evidence that shows that it could’ve been a fiery ball that caused the tower to go down from the other towers falling, and that “the fire caused enough heat to start melting or making the steel beams weaker which could have caused it to fall (1). It is said that the “fire went on for hours before the tower had even collapsed” (1). Experts say “the combination of the debris falling from the Two Towers and the fire was enough to set off a chain reaction to make the rest fall” (1).

Another conspiracy has to do with the melted steel. Many will say that the “jet fuel was not enough to set the steel to start melting” but others say that “the prolonged heat from the fire caused the buildings to fall” “Debunking the 9/11 Myths”(1). The “heat was enough to make the beams weaker throughout time which made them more malleable” (1). Experts have said that the “combination of the impacts in the heat causes this to happen over time” (1).
With this last is the puffs of dust, it’s said that “there were puffs of dust after the planes had already hit as if there were explosions going off even after” “Debunking the 9/11 Myths” (1). Their people go back and look at footage of the attacks and agreed to see this happen. Others can say it was just air flowing through the holes in the building. Although it is just a theory there are reasons to believe these claims.
With the theories of the 9/11 attacks many people have had their own opinions on whether it was an inside job or not. With the research that has been shown with the allegations against Larry Silberstein, the remains of bombs, and how the steel melted at such a low temperature people can see the proof that it was a planned attack and that it was a front to make money for themselves. As said in the previous sections, there are many theories about this topic but only a few have enough research to back up any claims that have been made. This is “a conspiracy theory surfaced online which persists more than 16 years later.” which is very surprising due to the amount of other theories that have been shot down in less than a year “The people who think 9/11 may have been an inside job” (1)
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