Have you ever thought getting on a school bus would be leading you to your death? Or the aftermath of a natural disaster would be the cause of your death, not the natural disaster itself? FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, is a federal agency that was implemented into our government in case of a disaster to house people who need a home. The government would have complete control in these situations. The bill REX 84 gives the government the power to suspend the constitution and declare martial law ("Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS” 1). All the president has to do is declare is a “national emergency”. Around the United States (U.S.) there are nearly 800 potential “concentration” camps that the government call, FEMA camps (Kihn 1). They are located in a variety of different places, including, malls, prisons, and even military forts. Near these locations, people have found nearly 500,000 disposable “coffin-like” bins that is thought to be there for when the government decides to act on these “concentration” camps (1). Some people also believe that the government isn’t going to wait on a disaster to occur. Let’s talk about these conspiracies and what the government might be planning and the possible solutions to this problem.
Jesse Ventura is an American entertainer. He is considered this for many reasons, which include, being a pro-wrestler, an actor in a television show and several movies, and an author of several books (“Jesse Ventura” 1). Jesse Ventura’s real name is James George Janos and he was born on July 15, 1951, in Minneapolis, Minnesota (1). He is a Former pro-wrestler. He was a pro-wrestler for eleven years but that is not all that shows he is an entertainer (1). He became an actor after leaving the pro-wrestling scene. He starred in multiple movies, including “Predator” (1). One of his more popular roles in the entertaining scene was as a host on a television show called “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura” (1). On that television show, Jesse and his team would seek out answers about some of the most popular conspiracy theories, including FEMA camps. After that television show stopped airing in 2012, He starred in another television show called, “The World According to Jesse” (1). Throughout his career in the entertainment industry, he also was an author of several books, including his autobiography, “I Ain’t Got Time to Bleed” (1).
Jesse Ventura cares about the American people and their freedoms. Right out of high school, Jesse joined the Navy Seals and served in the Vietnam War (1). He is also a former Governor of Minnesota and he tells the American People the truth in his television shows (1). Just the fact alone that he served in the Vietnam war should tell you that Jesse cares about the American people and their freedoms. But after his return to Minnesota from war, he started out his political career as the Mayor of Brooklyn Park for two years and then he became the Governor of Minnesota for four years (1). That continues to show he cares about the American people’s opinions and their freedoms. He was willing to serve for the people as the governor of Minnesota and do the best he can to protect their freedoms. While as host of his television show, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura”, he sought out the truth from the Federal Government and he showed the people the lies the government have been hiding from us.
Jesse Ventura is a very consistent and hardworking man. During his career as a Pro-wrestler and his political journey prove that. The fact that he spent eleven years as a professional wrestler shows that he is consistent and hardworking because he spent over a decade doing this one thing and he always gave everything he got. During his career, he developed the nickname, Jesse “The Body” Ventura (1). This shows that he was hardworking enough to get this nickname. There are a lot of pro-wrestlers that never get a nickname because they are just average and don’t show the effort to deserve one. Now for his political journey, he is a part of the reform party (1). He was the first governor to be elected from this party (1). Just that alone shows the adversity he had to overcome to be elected. Especially since he won as a part of a minority party. He used his consistency and his hard work to get the votes he needed. He was consistent in his campaign ads to get the younger voters that no longer believed in the two-party system (1). And his hard work to win over the votes paid off.
Jesse has both internal and external conflicts. Although, he definitely has more external. Some of the internal conflicts he has include his health. Throughout his wrestling career, he always had various health problems (“Jesse Ventura Biography, Life, Interesting Facts.” 1). But one major health problem was in 2002, he had a blood clot in one of his lungs that hospitalized him (1). Some of the external conflicts he faces have to do with the government. In his television show, “Conspiracy Theory”, he was faced with a lot of obstacles in the police state episode. A lot of the people he was trying to question about the conspiracy were either lying straight to his face or they were just answering no comment and it made it difficult for him to get the truth. Even though people were not cooperating, Jesse kept pushing for the truth. Exposing the truth to the people isn’t the easiest thing to do, there are obstacles you will have to overcome that will make it difficult for you.
The question asked on a survey of 20 people was, “Do you think the government is planning more than what they are telling us about FEMA camps?”. The results were that 15 people think yes, and 5 think no. Even though 75 percent think yes, a lot of the people had no knowledge of the subject. This is shocking because if the survey accurately represents America, 81.5 million people will be blindsided by the Government if they do it. Everyone needs to learn the research about this conspiracy to prepare themselves for the worse.

The first conspiracy is about Rex 84, a bill that was passed under the Reagan administration (“Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS” 1). The bill was originally classified but became public during the Iran-Contra in 1987 (“REX 84” 1). During this, the house of representative of Texas, Jack Brooks, questioned Colonel Oliver North about the bill that he wrote. In response to Brooks, North stated, “I was authorized to do everything I did” (1). This shows that the government was involved in this bill. That there are multiple layers of the government that were a part of this bill. This bill gives the President the authority to disband the Constitution and declare martial law if the President deems it a “State of Domestic National Emergency” (1). If the President deems it necessary, the U.S. Military will detain large amounts of people who they say are “National Security Threats” (“Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS” 1). If this was to happen, the U.S. would be split up into ten sections ran by nine governors and one Puerto Rico governor (1). This was determined during President Obama’s first term in 2010. Obama would assume control over the other governors and state legislatures (1). This bill also authorized an undisclosed amount of “concentration” camps ran by FEMA that are fully operation (“Rex 84: FEMA's Blueprint for Martial Law in America." 1). There have been roughly 800 camps found around the United States.
The second conspiracy is about the 800 camps found around the United States. The camps are found in several locations, which include malls, prisons, and military forts. The malls are in the exact same layout as Germany concentration camps in World War II (Attachment 1 and 2). There are also community centers that have been designed for FEMA to use ("Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS”2). These centers are fully staffed and even have armed guards, but they are completely empty (2). They are surrounded by high fences with barbed wire at the top pointing inwards (2). To keep people in, not to keep people out. The doors to these community centers are locked. The community can’t access these centers without having special access provided by someone (2). But if these are truly community centers, why are they not open to the community. With having 800 of these armed camps around the United States, it would be easy for the government to implement the REX 84 program and declare martial law. If the government was to do this, the transportation of the millions of people they would cease wouldn’t be difficult for them. This is because near all these camps, there are railroads that they can use. And in the case of mass genocide of American people, there have been nearly 500,000 disposable “coffin-like” bins found near these camps (Attachment 3).
The third conspiracy is about what the government is planning with the 500,000 disposable bins. The government can be funding someone to make these disposable coffins. The company that made these disposable coffins is called Vintage Products Corporation ("Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS” 3). This company used to be a research and development arm of a company called Hercules Incorporation (3). Hercules is a major defense contractor with ties to a company called Halliburton (3). The government paid Halliburton 385 million dollars to help build the detention centers for FEMA (3). So, the government could be funding the building of these coffins so they can use them in their plan to declare martial law. Roughly 100,000 of the 500,000 disposable bins were found right outside of Atlanta, Georgia, which is where the Center of Disease Control is located (3). The government could be planning to release a deadly disease that would trigger a nationwide pandemic (3). If this was to happen, then the government could evoke the REX 84 plan and declare martial law. The government has to be planning something big, but hopefully the truth will come out before it is too late.
All three conspiracies tie together. If the government decides to enact the REX 84 bill, then they can use the 800 camps and 500,000 disposable bins to help them gain complete control using martial law. Using REX 84, the government can disband the constitution and declare martial law if the President deems it as a National Security Crisis. There are also 800 established FEMA camps around the U.S. that are vacant and heavily guarded. The government can use these camps however they please if they evoke REX 84. If the government decides to use these camps as concentration camps, then there has been over half a million disposable “coffin-like” bins near these camps. These bins are seven feet long and three feet deep. They can hold three average sized adults inside them. This conspiracy is no joke. There is a lot of evidence showing that all this is possible. So, think twice the next time you get onto a school bus. And a natural disaster might not be the only thing you need to worry about.
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Works Cited
"Jesse Ventura Biography, Life, Interesting Facts." Famous Birthdays By SunSigns.Org, 16 Aug. 2018, www.sunsigns.org/famousbirthdays/d/profile/jesse-ventura/.
"Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS Part 1 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV." YouTube, 6 Jan. 2011, www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6vsKMaSG1s.
"Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS Part 2 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV." YouTube, 6 Jan. 2011, www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1bftc4gHQY.
"Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS Part 3 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV." YouTube, 6 Jan. 2011, www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_WO6UMFYsQ.
Kihn, Theresia. "US Fema Concentration Camps In Case Of Martial Law - Full List." Disclose.tv, 3 July 2018, www.disclose.tv/us-fema-concentration-camps-in-case-of-martial-law-full-list-309297.
"REX 84." Look Into It - Home, lookintoit.org/REX-84.html.
"Rex 84: FEMA's Blueprint for Martial Law in America." Global Research, 20 Jan. 2019, www.globalresearch.ca/rex-84-fema-s-blueprint-for-martial-law-in-america/3010.
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
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