Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Alien Existence and Abductions by Jose Rodriguez

            Aliens have been a mystery for hundreds of years or probably longer, but the weird part is that there has been a lot of clues and people being abducted, but somehow it is still just a conspiracy. “Hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans believe they have been abducted by aliens” (“The Surprising Origin of Alien Abduction Stories”). “Over 20,000 people have purchased alien abduction insurance” (20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Aliens). That is just America imagine the numbers all over the globe. Let’s explore the conspiracy over the alien’s existence and abductions, and what different clues or opinions are in it. Do they exist in our world?
            Aliens are often described as short, greenish-grey color, big head and big eyed creatures. An eyewitness saw two of them and said, “They were about 3 and a half feet tall with a large oval head and big slanted eyes. They had pale grayish skin and a barely visible slit for a mouth and two little holes for a nose. They also had very skinny arms and they seem not to have any clothes on” (A Close Encounter with Alien Beings-Eyewitness Account). It has been reported that there are other types of alien species, too, not just those. Their external features are different. “Keep in mind that there are many different kinds of beings visiting our planet. Some of the beings are more human-looking, with smaller eyes than the classic little gray aliens depicted in the movies” (The Roswell Aliens).      
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            The extraterrestrials that came were really intelligent creatures since they helped our early ancestors with advanced technology and building structures that seems impossible to make even today with this new technology we have now. “According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history” (“Ancient Alien Theory”). They used to help us freely and whenever they wanted, but why did they stop? “The government IS hiding aliens, because the human race is just not ready for them, sadly” (“Is the government hiding aliens?”). Well that explains it. The aliens must have some type of treaty with the United States government which most likely limits on what they can and cannot do. They are most likely helping the government, with their wisdom, creating newer and advanced technology.
            There is a lot of different conspiracies about the existence of aliens here on earth and lots of people believe in them and a lot of people do not. “Thirty-six percent of Americans think aliens have visited earth, and almost 80 percent believe the government has kept information about UFO’s a secret from the public, a new survey finds” (most Americans believe government keeps UFO a secrets, survey finds). There is four really interesting conspiracies that while be discussed:
1.         Aliens working for the government.
2.         Area 51.
3.         The Bermuda triangle.
4.         Real men in black.
First of all, there is reasons to believe that aliens work for the Government. On one of President Obama’s conference there was a mysterious guy protecting him. The guy looked like a human, but he had some really odd feature that showed he was not human. “A video recording from President Obama’s address at the 2012 AIPAC conference at the Washington Convention Center shows a mysterious looking figure among the Secret Service agents protecting him” (Are aliens guarding President Obama?). Also when the United States was in the great depression in 1929, a world war broke out. All of a sudden the military started to create all sorts of advanced planes and weapons in a short amount of time, but how did we get so advance all of a sudden? “People argue that the technical advancements humans have experienced since WWII have been achieved with the help of extraterrestrial life and equipment” (Top 10 Ancient Aliens Mysteries). Brushman Patterson claims that “there are those working in the government who are actually aliens” (Former Area 51 scientist claims aliens, UFOs exist). Brushman was a scientist working for area 51 and he saw with his own eyes aliens that work for the government.
            Following that with the government and alien, a military base called area 51 is also a part of another conspiracy theory and it is believed that they are hiding, UFO’s, and other extraterrestrial secrets that the public is not allowed to know about. It is supposed to be a secret military base, but lots of people believe they are hiding something. “The base allegedly features elaborate underground labs, hidden tunnels, a dedicated extra-terrestrial runway that can disappear and reappear, and research programs dedicated to reverse-engineering alien technology” (Six Of The Most Widely-Believed Alien Conspiracy Theories). This is such a secretive place, only a little bit know what is going on, but thousands and thousands are wanting to know. “Recently the Federal government has seized an additional 85,000 acres surrounding the base to keep observers at a distance,” (Aliens and Area 51). So the government took 85,000 acres to keep visitors away. That’s a whole lot of acres, which really does make it really suspicious for buying that much land.
            Now, the most mysterious one is in a spot in the globe called the Bermuda triangle and it is a very scary and mysterious place because numerous of planes and people have vanished when passing thought there. “It is estimated that an amazing 8,127 people have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle” (Could There Be An Alien Base Inside The Bermuda Triangle?). It is believe that it is aliens abduct people there, especially since there is no remaining’s of the people or crafts they were riding in. “Dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages” (Bermuda Triangle). It is very weird how planes and ships vanish into thin air, in good weather, without any radio distress messages. This sure is caused by something out of this world. Unless a really big shark jumps out the water and eats them completely, there is no explanation for this besides aliens.
            The last but not least is the conspiracy over the men in black. There has been stories about two men dressed in all black going up to only the people who have spotted either an alien or a UFO and threatened to keep it a secret or else. The people who have witness them say the same thing about their appearance, “They had no eyebrows or eyelashes, strange, hypnotic eyes, bald heads possibly disguised by wigs, and clothes” (10 Creepy Stories Of Encounters With Men In Black). They went into a hotel looking for an employee that saw a UFO and was telling people about it (1). Since the employee was not working at that time they asked the other employees about where he was and if he told them anything about what he saw (1). These men in black guys actually got caught on camera when they went into the hotel. That must proof this is a real situation which also proofs that aliens really do exist. 

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            Aliens have been a mystery for a very long time. People have seen them, spotted UFO’s, and been abducted, but the government still denies their existence. People have obviously spotted them, lots of eyewitness explained what they saw, and it was the same description (A Close Encounter with Alien Beings-Eyewitness Account).  Besides that, there is a lot of conspiracy that seem like it only leads to aliens. For example, the Bermuda Triangle, especially since planes and ships have disappeared without a trace and not one piece was found. There is enough clues out there that prove they exist. Now, the question is, do you believe?

   Work Cited
“Hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans believe they have been abducted by aliens.”      (“The Surprising Origin of Alien Abduction Stories”)
“The government IS hiding aliens, because the human race is just not ready for them, sadly”
 (“Is the government hiding aliens?”).                 hiding-aliens
“According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and
            Engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early
            Civilizations and forever changing the course of human history” (“Ancient Alien Theory”).
“Over 20,000 people have purchased alien abduction insurance” (20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Aliens)
“A video recording from President Obama’s address at the 2012 AIPAC conference at the Washington
 Convention Center shows a mysterious looking figure among the Secret Service agents
 Protecting him” (Are aliens guarding President Obama?).
“People argue that the technical advancements humans have experienced since WWII have been              achieved with the help of extraterrestrial life and equipment.”(Top 10 Ancient Aliens        Mysteries).”
“The base allegedly features elaborate underground labs, hidden tunnels, a dedicated extra-terrestrial             runway that can disappear and reappear, and research programs dedicated to reverse-        engineering alien technology” (Six Of The Most Widely-Believed Alien Conspiracy Theories).                fiction
“They were about 3 and a half feet tall with a large oval head and big slanted eyes. They had pale grayish skin and a barely visible slit for a mouth and two little holes for a nose. They also had very skinny arms and they seem not to have any clothes on.” (A Close Encounter with Alien Beings-Eyewitness Account).
“Keep in mind that there are many different kinds of beings visiting our planet. Some of the beings are more human-looking, with smaller eyes than the classic little gray aliens   depicted in the movies” (The Roswell Aliens)

“Thirty-six percent of Americans think aliens have visited earth, and almost 80 percent believe the government has kept information about UFO’s a secret from the public, a new survey finds” (most Americans believe government keeps UFO a secrets, survey finds).   
“There are those working in the government who are actually aliens” (Former Area 51 scientist claims aliens, UFOs exist).
“Recently the Federal government has seized an additional 85,000 acres surrounding the base to keep observers at a distance,” (Aliens and Area 51). http://www.aliens-everything-you-
“Dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of   these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers   became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages” (Bermuda Triangle).
“It is estimated that an amazing 8,127 people have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle” (Could There Be An Alien Base Inside The Bermuda Triangle?).        
“They had no eyebrows or eyelashes, strange, hypnotic eyes, bald heads possibly disguised by
            wigs, and clothes” (10 Creepy Stories Of Encounters With Men In Black).
People have obviously spotted them, lots of eyewitness explained what they saw, and it was the same description (A Close Encounter with Alien Beings-Eyewitness Account).    
Image result for aliens

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