When you think about Area 51, you
might think of all the theories surrounding this military base and the
connections with Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) and extraterrestrial
testing. A certain man you might not be familiar with is Bob Lazar. Claiming to
have personally worked in trying to reverse engineer the spacecrafts and seen
classified government files, Lazar is responsible for bringing the government
cite, Area 51, to light in the attention to the public. Two major theories
surfacing around Area 51 are the countless aircraft test, as well as covering
up and dening numerous UFO sightings. Are the claims true? If so, what else
could be lurking in the shadows, living amongst us?
Bob Lazar made his world debut on
November 11, 1989, when viewers of KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada hear his
incredible story(Bob Lazar, UFO Hoaxster). Even to this day, although his name
might not be known his story and claims about extraterrestrial knowledge is.
Lazar is the man responsible for putting the government base on the radar.
Claims that were literally out of this world, from being shown nine flying
discs of “extraterrestrial origin” (1) to working on reverse-engineering the
space crafts(Rojas). Now it has been nearly 30 years and his story is still
resurfacing, with new videos coming out, interviews, and even proof! As he
claimed to have worked at Los Alamos Laboratory, many were in disbelief as the
laboratory claimed he never worked there. One theory was that the government
had “erased his name from existence as he exposed the military, and to further
proof his claim was in the phonebook of the laboratory and even a man named,
Robert Krangle, came forward to say he saw him working there and not as a
janitor but as a nuclear physicist(Area 51 George Knapp Interviews Bob Lazar
November 26, 2017).
His claims
and theory that sprouted isn’t like many others mainly affected ones life, but
his could change our entire existence. How we feel about our own government and
of what else could be out there. Throughout the decades his story has yet to
change, he has sticked to his claims and is persistent. Yet what makes him
different and that he’s able to see the other side, the sceptics and deniers.
He knows and there are those
that don’t and just simply won’t believe him. He knows and accepts that he has
not presented enough information, as he says, “And I understand that, and I
would probably be in your position.” (Bob Lazar + New Statements). He hasn’t
attacked anyone in anyway, and he mentions they were his claims, his personal experience,
as he addresses in another interview that given the information, he doesn't
know if he’d believe it either he knows there's a lot that he simply can’t
prove and that’s what sets him apart.
he addresses the other side and accepts that not everyone will believe him,
he’s very persistent and takes his stand. Many individuals over the years have
tried and tested him but Lazar has overcome every single one. From passing
multiple polygraph test, he was also tested on simple questions about the laboratory
he worked at. Not on what he did working there, but where were certain offices,
the restrooms, this and that, and he passed it as well. (Area 51 George Knapp
Interviews Bob Lazar November 26, 2017). When his story first surfaced decades
ago he gave detailed descriptions of his encounters and nearly thirty years
later he hasn’t changed anything up (The Bob Lazar Story: Area 51 Secrets
Revealed). At a time when area 51 was already under the radar and even the
government denied its existence, Lazar came out with his testimonies and
observations to later be packed up by Russian satellites proving the existence
of the military base.
Lazar is highly known for his extremely out of the ordinary claims, he mentions
that he has better things to do like running his own business and that he hates
being in the public eye (Bob lazar + New Statements). He’s a quiet and unsociable individual. He
claims to have cut loose and refuses and simply doesn’t answer any UFO regarding
emails as he doesn’t even believe majority of them out there. He’s anonymous,
as he started United Nuclear, a scientific supply company like uranium which he
sells to many schools and even government agencies online (Bob Lazar: The Man
Behind Area 51).
On May of 1989 “Dennis” later to be Bob Lazar shed light to
the secret military base Area 51. In doing so, multiple theories sprouted from
his claims and the secrecy of the base and the government. The first theory,
supports Lazar’s claims that the government reverse engineers alien spacecraft
at the base (Jones). Now this theory can be argued both ways, whether it could
be true or not. Back in November of 1989 when Lazar revealed himself to the
world he claimed he was hired to reverse engineer the spacecraft and at his
time there encountered nine flying saucers and explained how they could have
worked (A True Story Bob Lazar). After 30 years Lazar has yet to change his
story, but people have been skeptical wanting hard proof. Lazar claimed that
the government in a way ‘erased” him as the laboratory he was employed at and
the university he graduated at claim he never attended there and no records
were found(1). Could this be the government be trying to ruin Lazar and cover
their tracks? Two years ago another researcher had came forth, backing Lazar up
and saying the both worked together at Los Alamos, a laboratory that had denied
that Bob Lazar ever ever worked there, and even though there were no records of
him Lazar’s name and number appeared in the building’s directory(1).

The second
conspiracy theory claims that aliens work among humans at area 51 and multiple
autotopsiers of dead aliens occur at area 51. There have been several footages
from inside the base that clearly shows what looks to be alien bodies on lab
tables(Jones). In the first video the corpse is said to be collected from the
crash site in Roswell New Mexico, a UFO crash that the government transported
to Area 51 for further study(1). In a second video from an ex-engineer who
claimed that there were four live aliens who worked alongside humans in
the flying task of the strange
futuristic aircrafts(1).
The third
theory is the Roswell UFO crash in New Mexico. A ranger found unidentifiable
debris from a crash back in the summer of 1954. People believe the government
was trying to cover tracks as officials had said it simply came from a weather
balloon(Roswell). Although the Air Force claimed that it was a weather balloon
it was the biggest story in town and majority that saw the crash or the
pictures in the paper could see it that it didn’t look like one(1). Adding to
the suspicion the government secretly transported the remains area 51(Jones).
Area 51 is
one of the most mysterious parts of the world and our own government. Being top
secrete who can you believe if they come out? Could they be true? All three
theories connect with each other as they tackle the existence of
extraterrestrial life. Bob Lazar was the man responsible for putting the
military base of the map and confirmed its existence after the government had
repeatedly denied its existence. Since then multiple theories have sprouted
from him claims and the claims of others that have come out. These three
theories aren’t believed as many as even though pictures and videos have
surfaced, they are not thought as concrete evidence as aliens are thought as
mythical. Each theory could work but seem to be two sided, the side of the
government or the people, their claims. Although many individuals believe in
the existence of extraterrestrial life out there, multiple don't know how they
feel about area 51 as majority of claims have been proven false by other
On November 11, 1989 the name Bob
Lazar and the top secret military base, Area 51, were known to not only the
country but entire world. Almost three decades later multiple theories have
erupted from the media and Lazar’s claims, with the major three being:
1. Bob Lazar really worked to reverse
engineer extraterrestrial spacecraft
2. Aliens are working among the humans
in the base
3. The Roswell crash in New Mexico was
actually a UFO that the government tried to cover up.
Area 51 is one of the most mysterious places not only in our
own country but the world. Will we ever find out what really goes on, or could
we really be alone in his world?
Work Cited
Blitz, Matt. “The Real Story Behind
the Myth of Area 51.” Popular Mechanics, 25 Apr. 2018, www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a24152/area-51-history/.
“Bob Lazar Speaks Out After 25
Years: The Man Who Exposed Area 51 Defends UFO Information » The Event
Chronicle.” The Event Chronicle, The
Event Chronicle, 20 May 2014, www.theeventchronicle.com/editors-pick/bob-lazar-speaks-25-years-man-exposed-area-51-defends-ufo-information/.
Corbell, Jeremy. “BOB LAZAR NEW
Jones, Kim. “10 Evidences Prove The
Area 51 Aliens Are Real.” Proof Of Aliens Life, 6 Mar. 2016,
Editors. “Roswell” History, 9 Nov. 2009,
Swift, Earl. “Area 51: Was the Roswell UFO Really a Soviet
Hoax?” Popular Mechanics, 23 May, 2011,
“Bob Lazar: The Man Behind Area 51.”
LasVegasNow, 19 May, 2005,
Kiger, Patrick J. “10 Area 51
Conspiracy.” 09 July, 2015,
Rojas, Alejandro. “Physicist Claims
Bob Lazar Did Work at Los Alamos.” Openminds.tv,
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