Monday, December 11, 2017

Bob Lazar Research essay by Ranson Ingram

The universe is unlimited and expanding every second so to assume there is no other life form out there is an uneducated statement. According to Bob Lazar, there is a small army base in Nevada, operated by the federal government, known as Area 51. Bob Lazar was an engineer who claims to have revers engineered alien space ships and technology at Area 51. Therefore, well well-structured theories on extra-terrestrial life in Area 51 have surfaced regarding the issue, such as:
The housing of extra-terrestrial life
The reverse engineering of alien technology
The studying of element 115
Let’s examine each of these, with the most likely one being the studying and testing of element 115.
Image result for Bob Lazar
                      Ball Lazar: student, scientist, scholar, curious, ambitious and, so much more (sy-fi). To uncover the truth about Area 51 one must vet the character of Bob Lazar, a former senior staff scientist that worked the Los Alomos laboratory (1). Lazar was drafted onto the small twenty-two group of scientist to work on the infamous “project Galileo” (1). But, only after a few short work days of touring and taking notes, lazar defected and whistle-blew the laboratory and projects top super savvy saucy secrets (1). Some of these alleged statements are the study of element 115 , UFO space ship, and gravity wave gun just to name a few (1). Soon after lazar came out with these statements the media coined the term that is now used as Area 51.
          Lazar was born in 1959, and in his youth was known for his intelligence and curiosity. His education would lead him later on life to an interview with Sci-fi in 1989 in which bob lazar discusses his findings of his time at Los Alamos (Lazar). During the interview Bob showed character traits ,or external traits of confidence and . Let’s look more into his confidence. During the interview Lazar had this Cool-cat tone of voice, direct eye-contact, with the interviewer, and no sign of second guessing himself (2). Although these external traits can be linked to just a good speaker, these are actually signs of superior confidence (kat). “Confidence is the purity of action produced by a mind free of doubt” – code of confidence (kat). By comparing the book to the interview Lazar complimented every trait needed to be confident, even though the book was made for low confident women. For example, the book expressed that the shyest people have a scary amount of self-doubt. In the interview Lazar never once stuttered, second guessed,or lost volume of voice. This trait is fantastic to have but, in the interview Lazar in some points can express loads of too much confidence or in other words, arrogance specifically at the time of 14:00-16:00 minutes into the interview (sy-fi). This this part of the interview Bob likes to say what but never goes in depth into how (1). This external conflict can be looked at like he looks down on society. like he thinks his fellow peers are inferior and will never understand the work he did at Los Alomos. After I watched the interview I took it to the internet to see what others think of  Lazar’s confidence and or arrogance. This first thing I clicked on was an article written in 2012 . The article called Bob “inconsistent” and failed to have solid proof and would “constantly use the excuse of a poor memory” (Last). He was at the height of his fame in the late-1980s to late-1990s. In that time, Bob had shown himself to be inconsistent, at best, when it came to how and what he divulged about his research work on alien spacecraft. He would often try to brush off attempts by interviewers to reconcile what he said with what he was busy saying as him merely having a 'poor memory' of the events and details he witnessed.”  After reading the well written article I instantly had doubts on if this Bob Lazar is a curious, intelligent, for the people kind of guy or just a fame craving arrogant selfish human.
             Furthermore, Bob was able to show signs of intelligence physically with degrees from Caltech and MIT (lazar). And mentally with his choice of words. Too many times during the interview Bob would use words like amorous and make me pause the video or the fact that he can reverse engineer a space engine and fly ET technology! That is no small feat my friend. Now besides the blocky glasses large mouth, plaid shirt, and parted hair; this intelligence does give off the quirky externality of dorky. Now there is nothing wrong nor does it have harm on anyone around you for being dorky but, humor me this. In the article (last) the author also states that Lazar has claimed degrees from Caltech and MIT but has failed every time to show the proof of both degrees; once again stating what but not how (last). Instead of showing physical proof Lazar continues to blame avoid by accusing the government for wiping records and his bad memory (last). The article briefly mentions Bob failed attempt to recall any lecture from his student days (last). How can someone with multiple degrees in electro physics and physics forget about any lecture he had?
           Now with that in mind and the fact that he is dorky you could make the daring assumption that Bob Lazar is not smart but giving the internal illusion that he is? MIT is one of the most prestigious schools in the world, so it is safe to say that if someone attends there people can classify them as smart. I know I would. Therefore, by him just repeatedly saying big words and saying his degrees he can give the illusion. But then does knowingly give the illusion of intelligent, intelligent ? Personally, I do believe so because he was able to create a new study in UFOlogist and influence most of the population to believe the government is hiding ET technology.
            Bob Lazar is a character with two striking traits; externally confident and internally smart.
Soon after Bob Lazar exposed the truth of the alien technology to every news outlet; many conspiracy theories about what the government is using the alien tech began to erupt from the surface. These theories are but not limited to: housing of alien life forms, element 115 with the most likely one being the reverse engineering of UFO’s. although, many other theories have been stated; most Conspiracy theorists have come to the agreement that the area 51 was mostly used for the use of alien tech.
            Moscovium. otherwise known element 115 is a nuclear element first “created” in dunbar , Russia in 2003. With the intent of to use it as research (RSC). But , Bob lazar has first talked about the use of this substance in 1989 in multiple interviews saying that he saw scientist fuze two elements together and only very few atoms were created; but, the element was still very heavy and powerful(RSC). in the interviews bob talks about the element being used as an anti gravity matter fuel of some sorts and its ability to create an anti-gravity field (Lazar). According to the web site Matrix disclosure Lazar would use the term “sport model” to reference the UFO and the gravity field it used. While today element 115 is created by combing americium and calcium-48 (5). Lazars body in the interview remained very calm when talking about the element and its properties but constantly stuttered and said “uh” almost as if he was contradicting himself (Lazar). You could say that is was a speech impediment but if it was then why in a 2015 interview when talked he seemed so entergetic and jumpy(CBS)? Even the claims in the 2015 interview saying that Bob was just nervous in 1989 are fallacies because his tone and relaxed body tell people otherwise. This theory can not be true because the nature and properties of element 115 just make no sense. 115 is as of right now known as one the heaviest elements known to man; how could this element be anti gravity when it way to heavy? That combined with an insecure Bob Lazar just makes this theory come off like Lazar was unsure how to prove UFO’s are real so he just made up a few statements on what element 115 is without stating its properties rather than its just anti gravity. Above all else the pure nature of this substance is only found naturally after a supernova (RSC). If that’s the case then why doesn’t this element create a black hole and suck up everything around them like in space? This theory has many holes to it between the lack of confidence Lazar has when explaining to the fact that you would need a 2-D black hole for this element to make sense. The element 115 is real but lacks the logic and properties of an anti-matter element. Next flying saucy saucers.
Image result for ufo
            The lore that Lazar has inspired is unbelievable and quite impressive the look and idea of a UFO has inspired many science fiction shows and novels. In summary a flying saucer or UFO is a disc shape that supposedly uses the element 115 for anti-matter purposes and lifts its self off the ground. Because of this the ufo does  not have to obey the laws of physics, in fact it is able to switch directions instantly never having to slow down or stop. According to Lazar in the interview at 21 minutes in (Lazar). The theory is that Lazar and his team were assigned to reverse engineer this alien saucer to see how it is made and how this sorcery works (Lazar). How the government received these space ships are still unknown but many theorists believe they received it from the roswell crash of 1947 (history). An unidentified flying object was said to be crashed in a field where them the government was able to get a better look at the ship (history). From there it was transferred to the Area 51 base where it waited for further testing (history). Although this theory of the government holding on to alien tech makes the most sense,  it is not the most sensible because the space craft is a hoax or a prank played on the public. Since the 50’s there have been over 12,000 claims of ufos in the air almost all have just been weather or ballons about 11,917 to be exact (huff). Now the other 83 could have easily been drugs or dreams for example betty and barny hill one of the more famous couples that emerged when ufos hit the main stream media  claimed to be abducted but upon further examination doctors claimed that it was just her believing in her dreams thinking they were true. According to the huffington post and freud dreams are our way of interpreting real life emotional problems and our mind needs them to be real in order to trick our selves (huff).             Theories explaining why we accept the altered reality of our dreams are most often associated with the research of Sigmund Freud. Freud believed that dreams play out a healing or an emotional process. Whether to help us resolve life issues or personal conflicts, the dreamer needs to believe the dream experience to be real.”
          So therefore it is not too far of a stretch to say that when people see ufos it could just be either lsd or their dreams playing them. Could there be saucers ? yes but what some experts say is that the saucers you hear are not E.T but just the government advancing technoalogy. why not have a ship that defies physics why do we need alien tech to do that? Ufos are not a logical theory many holes need to be filled for this to make sense.
            “Take me to your leader” as the old saying goes.Bob Lazar described these new life forms as bobble headed tall grey and skinny (Lazar). science fiction makes it so surreal and paints us a very well educated guess. Throughout the years some conspiracy theories have come to the conclusion that the base in Nevada known as area 51 houses possible E.T life forms. How the life forms got to earth is the question. Most people believe is that  aliens came about to this planet while we were still primates. Proof of those would be the statues at easter island or sacsayhuman and the 360 ton pound rocks that were placed with precision and carried over 20 miles (NEEB). It is very likely while aliens were building these structures aliens could have perished to disease or injuries and left behind for us to find later. Also we live in a universe with unlimited planets and stars. Therefore it is very likely for another planet to have an advanced speicies and for that species to have solved light speed travel; maybe the aliens weren’t slowed down by religion like what happen to us during the renaissance. Also the bigger possibility is that Aliens would just be plain smarter. Many theories are correct about area 51 but the most correct would easily be the housing of E.T life
            After much digging researching and thinking the most logical theory on area 51  would be the housing of aliens for the structures that can be contributed to them and the fact that the universe is unlimited. Not only that but after I asked my classmates if the government is hiding Alien life forms or not a whooping 30/45 said that they were hiding life forms from us. If aliens were real and you were the head of the united states , how would you act?

                                                                     Work cited

(1)   “Bob Lazar.” Bob Lazar, (Lazar)
(2)   The Confidence Code. Harperbusiness, 2015 by katty kat (kat)
(4)    “Debunking UFO 'Expert' Bob Lazar | Part 1.” News24, 25 Aug. 2012, (last)
(5)   Rsc, john. “Moscovium - Element Information, Properties and Uses | Periodic Table.”Royal Society of Chemistry - Advancing Excellence in the Chemical Sciences, 1 Jan. 2017, history
(6)   CBS lazar interview 2015CBS
(7)  LazarNBC, director. Lazar Interview 1989. NBC, 1989
(8) Staff. “Roswell.”, A&E Television Networks, 2009,
(9)  Huff, DreamsCloud. “Why Do We Believe Dreams Are So Real While We're Dreaming?” The Huffington Post,, 9 Aug. 2014,

(10)                       Heeb, Liaf/Redux Photograph by Christian, et al. “7 Ancient Sites Some People Think Were Built by Aliens.” National Geographic, 26 Oct. 2016,

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