Bernardo Rabago
Professor Hammett
Composition 1301
16 September 2019
June 17, 1959 the Reno Evening Gazette published an article
called "More Flying Objects Seen in Clark Sky" that detailed several
witnesses' encounter with an object "bright green in color which descended
towards the earth at an unimaginable speed” (“Aguilera, Jasmine” 1). This was the beginning of
an epidemic of endless suspicion for Area 51. Area 51 is one of the United
States’ most mysterious and guarded military bases, which provokes much
suspicion from people around the globe. Modern theories have proved to be a
strange fit to witnesses’ encounters. These theories suggest aliens are being
kept at area 51, projects are being developed to control weather, and exotic
energy weapons are being made. Let’s go over these three theories, and find
evidence to prove them to be true.
In the other hand, Bob Lazar
was also a very dedicated person. He took time to attend to his speeches, and
interviews. He loved the community and strived to make them happy. He is
dedicated in explaining how things went on in Area 51, but he was also very
dedicated to speak of his practices with the government at Area 51. “The
scientist, Robert Scott Lazar, said he had worked in the S-4 section of Area
51, a corner of the Nevada Test Site. There, he had read documents indicating
the existence of ongoing research on an "anti-gravity reactor" for
use in propulsion systems.” This quote explains how Bob Lazar worked at Area
51, and how he had documents to prove his testimony at interviews and speeches,
and many other things. Bob was dedicated in many ways, in his research over
Area 51. He also was dedicated for another reason; Bob kept a dedication to his
talks over what happened at Area 51.
Likewise, Bob Lazar also
cared for the public’s well being, and his listeners at events and at his
interviews. When he spoke out at events, he wanted the public to know of
government tactics, and ways the government hid things from the public. He came
out about his story of Area 51, and how the government worked with aliens on
weapons, aircrafts, and genetic mutations. He cared very much for his audience
and felt the need to address them for their future safety. “Bob Lazar is a former government physicist who made headlines world-wide in
1989 when he came forward via investigative reporter George Knapp with his
account of reverse-engineering an alien propulsion system for the U.S.
military.” This quote explains that Bob Lazar made the news in order to let the
public know of government plans, he cared for his audience and wanted what was
best for them. Bob Lazar was willing to let the public know secret government
plans and projects. This could only mean he cared for the public’s well being
and truly cared for the public's knowledge over secret government plans.
In conclusion, the public
first thought Bob Lazar to be a strange person, as he claimed to the public
that he had secret affairs with the government and also worked with the
government in his spare time worked won secret aircrafts, weapons and more. He
had experience inside Area 51 and wanted to share his knowledge with the
public. He cared for his audience, and made sure they knew what intentions the
government had. He also was a very straightforward person as he came out to the
public, and told his story without hesitation. Bob Lazar was also a very
dedicated person and wanted to let the public in on what he knew no matter
what. He was criticized for a lot of his speeches and interviews, as much of
his arguements did not seem believable. However, his views from the public did
not stop him from sharing his unrealistic experiences. People all over the
world took his experiences and argued against and even supported them. Bob
lazar was a very controversial person in the making of most of all Area 51
conspiracies. Overall, Bob Lazar seemed to be a very unfearful, dedicated and
caring person in characteristics.
The first conspiracy
theory that the Area 51 site is well known for is aliens; Aliens have always
been the craze at area 51, with the countless reports and sightings of alien
spacecrafts, suspecting aliens was just the common thing to do. The craze
developed to other people around, and a lot of people began looking for
evidence to prove that there are aliens. However, through the countless years
of looking for evidence there has only been reports to prove the existence of
alien crafts but not the aliens itself. This immediately cuts off the theory
and proves that this theory does not work as of right now.
The second and most
believed conspiracy according to my own survey (completed by several college
students) is the involvement of Secret government projects at Area 51. The
government keeps Area 51 under tight security, so the theory would make sense;
“In 1953, the Air Force began looking for a plane that could fly so high it
could avoid detection and anti-aircraft missiles, about 70,000 feet in the air,
and travel long-enough distances — 3,000 miles or so — without needing to
refuel.” (“Ward, Alex”2).
With this knowledge we can consider that the government used Area 51 as a site
to conduct this secret government project. This renders the conspiracy very
likely to be true.
In conclusion, the
theory of aliens is not really believable through the countless years of looking
for evidence there has only been reports to prove the existence of alien crafts
but not the aliens itself. The second theory in my essay states that the
government itself is conducting secret government projects at Area 51. We
proved this to be true as we found proof of secret government projects in the
quote that “In 1953, the Air Force began looking for a plane that could fly so
high it could avoid detection and anti-aircraft missiles, about 70,000 feet in
the air, and travel long-enough distances — 3,000 miles or so — without needing
to refuel.” (“Ward, Alex”1).
The last theory also proved to be false as the main support rested on the
testimony of Bob Lazar. Bob Lazar is only human and were not sure of what his
intentions are, he could be in fact lying. There is no real proof to back up
the claims he makes therefore we claim this theory as non credible. Overall we
have been through the thought process of Bob Lazar, some of his key
characteristics, and indicated that he could be lying.
Works Cited
Aguilera, Jasmine. “Everything to Know
About Area 51's Mysterious History.” Time, Time, 17 July 2019,
Bob Lazar, UFO Hoaxster.”
HowStuffWorks Science, HowStuffWorks, 28 June 2018,
Troy. “In 'Bob Lazar: Area 51' Documentary, Director Investigates UFO
Whistle-Blower's Story.” Detroit Free
Press, Detroit Free Press, 10 Apr. 2019,
Ward, Alex, and Aja Romano. “Area 51 and Aliens: the Myth, the Meme, and
the Strange Reality, Explained.” Vox, Vox, 19 Sept. 2019,
Strickland, Jonathan, and
Patrick J. Kiger. “How Area 51 Works.” HowStuffWorks Science, HowStuffWorks, 20
Sept. 2019,
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