Adolf Hitler is one of the most extreme dictators in all
our history. He had goals of taking over the whole planet one country at a
time. He caused WW2, and every country in the world wanted him dead. Scientists
have proven that Hitler died in 1945 based off pieces from his teeth and skull
(Frost 1). These are some of the most famous conspiracy theories here to date:
Did Hitler make it to Argentina?
Did the Soviets cover up his death?
Was the Hitler Found dead a fake?
wants us to believe that Hitler died in a bunker in berlin, but is this what
really happened?
Adolf Hitler was an evil
human being; it is argued by historians whether he had a physical or mental
illness that caused a lot of his anger (“Erica Goode” 1). While there is a
possibility of Hitler having had some sort of mental illness, it is commonly
known that these illnesses are not to blame for his actions (1). Hitler grew up
with a rough life at home, and he was always surrounded by violence. It was
common in history that groups of people treat the Jews unequally and are
harmful to them. Hitler aspired to become a famous artist when he was eighteen,
and after the death of his mother (“Sarah Pruitt” 1). However, he failed as an
artist, and it is believed that somewhere in his art career, he had a bad
encounter with a Jew, thus igniting the fire in his heart for hating Jews (“Hitler’s
antisemitism. Why did he hate the Jews?” 1). Hitler also had some Jewish roots of
his own in his family, and it is believed that he was ashamed/embarrassed by
this; also contributing to his hatred of the Jews. The Germans blamed their
loss in WWI mainly on the Jews, this was commonly known as the
“stab-in-the-back legend” (1).
Hitler was a very hateful man, and he believed that his
“race” of people was superior to all others. He called the German race the
Aryan; meaning master race. “For Hitler the ideal “Aryan” was blonde,
blue-eyed, and tall” (“Nazi Racism” 1). Once Hitler took power of the German
Government, he continuously forced this idea among his people. He wanted all
the Germans to believe that were superior to everyone else, and that the Jews
were the worst of the worst. Hitler did whatever it took to make it known that
the Nazi’s were superior by spreading this idea publicly in schools,
television, and radios (1). Hitler also showed his hatefulness by giving German
doctors the right to force sterilizations on to people; making it impossible
for them to have kids (1). This came from a belief that “the human race could
improve by limiting the reproduction of people considered inferior” (1). These
forced sterilizations were mainly performed on Gypsies, handicapped, and
mentally ill people (1). Hitler felt that people with disabilities were
inferior, and he treated them like scum. It is baffling that one man could be
so evil and have so much hate, that he wants all people different from him to
be removed from society. There have not been very many other people in this
world to have this much hate in their heart. This may have very well started
from a rough childhood and the early death of his parents, but that cannot
still be the only cause of this man’s hate. In 1923, Hitler was sentenced to
five years in prison for the Nazi attempt of “Beer Hall Putsch”, but he was
released in nine months from help of the Nazi party (“Hitler Sent to Landsberg
Jail” 1). Spending time in prison changes people because it leaves them alone
with their thoughts. Who knows what diabolical plans Hitler came up with during
his time in prison. Hitler is talked about in many history classes all over the
world because of his attempt of taking over all of Europe. Hitler is the main
reason for the start of World War II, he wanted world domination and to be the
most powerful dictator if all time. He may have completed some of his goals,
but it is truly hard to see why he wanted to be so powerful and so evil. Hitler
forced Nazi teachers to apply the “principles” of racial science to students.
This included the teachers measuring the student’s skull size and nose length
and recording the color of their eyes and nose (1). Kids who did not fit in
were bullied and made fun of by the Aryans. Hitler had no remorse for the
children as he separated them from their families and killed many of them at
the concentration camps. Hitler created over 40,000 concentration camps,
including Auschwitz, which is considered the worst concentration camp of all
(“Auschwitz” 1). There was over a million people that died at Auschwitz in a few
different ways. The most common form of death was the gas chamber, but many
people also died from starvation, disease, dehydration, and many other unhuman
ways. Hitler is responsible for the mass
genocide of over 6 million Jews over a span of about four years. This is one of
the worst mass genocides in all history, and it could have only been done by
one very evil man that had a large amount of hate built up in his heart.
have been several conspiracy theories created to explain what really happened
to Adolf Hitler on April 30th. The first theory suggests Hitler made
an escape to Argentina, whereas the next two theories suggest there was some
kind of cover up by the Soviets and the Nazis. Let’s explore into the first
conspiracy theory.
first conspiracy theory is that Hitler escaped to Argentina during all the
chaos in Berlin. Submarine U-3523 was a new type of German U-boat that moved
more silently, and it could stay submerged underwater for deeper and longer
(Adam Lusher 1). Submarine U-3523 was found at the bottom of the North Sea
between Denmark and Norway (1). This highly advanced submarine would have been
Hitler’s best option to escape, and it is suspicious how everyone wants us to
believe that this U-boat was sunk without Hitler in it. British crew of B2
liberator bomber claimed to have sunk the U-boat on May6, 1945, but this wreck
was never found (1). The wreck of U-3523 was discovered by researchers from the
Sea War Museum Jutland in Denmark (1). This seems to shut down the idea that
Hitler, or any other Nazis, escaped from Berlin to Argentina. In a recent
survey, eight out of twenty people believe that Hitler successfully escaped to
second conspiracy theory regarding the death of Adolf Hitler, is that the
Soviet Union soldiers found Hitler first, and then they covered up his death.
It was said that Hitler and his wife had committed suicide in the Fuhrer’s
Bunker, and that the bodies were burned because the Soviets did not want the
bodies to be found (O’Malley 1). Russian president Vladimir Putin gave access
to all state archives documents to himself (1). O’Malley believes that Vladimir
Putin did this because he wants everyone to think that the Russians have the
head of Hitler (1). The British intelligence services claimed that Hitler had
committed suicide by shooting a pistol in his mouth, but the Soviets argued
that Hitler had taken a cyanide pill that poisoned and killed him (1). There
would be a big difference in Hitler’s corps if he shot a bullet through his
throat; rather than just taking a poisonous pill. This is very suspicious
considering that the corps were burned soon after his death. It is obvious that
whoever was around Hitler during his death and the people who found him dead,
did not want anyone else to know how and when he killed himself. It is possible
that he shot himself and took the cyanide, but according to Lana Parshina
(“Death of Hitler”) Hitler was having symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, which
makes it hard to move without shaking. This makes it very unlikely that Hitler
shot himself in the back of the throat, so why would the British want people to
believe this and the Soviets want people to believe it was poison? The authors
of the book “Death of Hitler” were at the State Archive of Russian Federation in
2016, and they were brought a skull that was said to be Adolf Hitler’s (1).
They hired Phillipe Charlier, a forensic scientist, to evaluate the skull, and
he confirmed the teeth matched Hitler’s dental records, and that there were no
sign of a bullet going through the mouth due to the condition of the teeth (1).
We cannot be certain if the skull really belongs to Hitler or not, but what we
do know is the Soviets did not want anyone to know what really happened to
Hitler when he died, and that the current Russians want to always keep it this
way. It seems that the Soviets covered up many areas involving Hitler’s death
for their own benefit.
final conspiracy theory is that the person they found dead in the bunker was
not Hitler, but a fake taking Hitler’s place while he made an escape. This
seemed like it could be a very valid point because Hitler did have a lot of men
that disguised as him for specific moments. Russian state archives gave
researchers the opportunity to study and examine the skull and teeth of
Hitler’s skull. “The piece of skull had a hole on its left side. Consistent
with a bullet wound, with black charring around the edges” (Frost 1). Phillippe
Charlier than confirmed that Hitler had died in 1945 based off his evidence
from his study conducted on the skull and teeth fragments (1).

we will never know what specifically caused the death of Adolf Hitler, we know
that he did take a cyanide pill, and he was also shot in the head either
self-inflicted, or from one of his Nazi generals. All three of these conspiracy
theories tie together, and it is very possible that each one has some truth to
it, but the most logical solution to explain the death of Hitler is that he
took the cyanide pill and was also shot in the head inside his bunker. Then the
Soviets found his body first, and they tried their best to keep it a
Adolf Hitler was one of
the evilest dictators in all of history. He single handedly caused WW2, and he
was in charge of the mass genocide of six million Jews. Hitler was a very hated
man, and it would have been to many countries benefit to have him dead.
Scientists have proven that Hitler died in 1945 based off pieces from his teeth
and skull (Frost 1). These are some of the most famous conspiracy theories to
explain Hitler’s death:
Did Hitler make it to Argentina?
Did the Soviets cover up his death?
Was the Hitler Found dead a fake?
supports that Hitler died in his bunker in Berlin, Germany in 1945 by taking a
poisonous cyanide pill; a bullet hole was also discovered in his skull.
Works Cited
S "Auschwitz." Holocaust
Encyclopedia | United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
S Editors, "Hitler Sent to Landsberg Jail." HISTORY,
9 Feb. 2010,
S Frost, Natasha.
"Hitler's Teeth Reveal Nazi Dictator's Cause of Death." HISTORY,
19 May 2018,
S Goode, Erica.
"Insane or Just Evil? A Psychiatrist Takes a New Look at
Hitler." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News &
Multimedia, 17 Nov. 1998,
S Lusher, Adam.
"Submarine Rumoured to Have Helped Nazis Escape to Argentina is
Discovered." The Independent, 19 Apr. 2018,
S O'Malley, JP.
"Putin Grants Authors Partial Access to Secret Soviet Archives on Hitler’s
Death." The Times of Israel | News from Israel, the Middle East
and the Jewish World, 4 Sept. 2018,
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