Hitler Conspiracy
1945, the death toll of murdered Jews reached six million and an international
manhunt ensued for the man behind the crime, Adolf Hitler; however, was already
planning his getaway plan: suicide (Bulow 1).This year was the climax to WWII
and Soviet forces were closing in on the dictator’s secret bunker, but before
his death, he asked his right-hand man to broadcast a prepared message that he
had a noble death on the battlefield. This broadcast created confusion over his
death, as later that same day, Soviet’s also uncovered “his body” in the
bunker. With different versions of his death being reported, a multitude of
conspiracies were sparked:
Hitler escape in a submarine to Argentina?
Did Hitler die in war?
he commit suicide? If so, by cyanide or by a firearm?
It is fitting that a controversial
figure ended with a controversial death, and it becomes conceivable that Hitler
could have made a simple suicide into a political strategy; but, let us examine
each leading theory.
Hitler’s actions speak for themselves and mentioning his name (to anyone)
brings up the memory of his cruel actions. Many wonder how his harsh
dictatorship could have escalated that far, and what type of person could have
done that. Hitler’s own values were based largely on early influences and
insecurities. In other words, Hitler was good at denying his own
faults/insecurities but then brutally “condemn[ing] them in others” (Murray 3).
After doing extensive research, it has become clear that Hitler was able to
carry out his radical policies through the conveyance of his superiority with
the people of Germany.
often put on a persona of being strong because as a young child he dealt with
extreme illness, “he was frail and sickly, emotionally dependent on his mother.
He never did any manual work, never engaged in athletics, [and] was turned down
as forever unfit for conscription in the Austrian Army” (Murray 4). So, one of
the biggest reasons Hitler had an aggressive personality is because he was
extremely insecure. This psychological complex of his made him defensive of
certain topics, like his weakness. His constant battle with insecurities caused
him to grow up as a submissive individual who dealt with emotional struggles.
Often it was reported by other soldiers, that Hitler was emotionally unstable
and would take long breaks from giving orders. When analyzing Hitler’s
psychological tendencies, it becomes apparent that he was not fit to rule due
to a traumatic childhood, and he spent his entire adulthood coping with a
superiority complex.
is well known that Hitler had “prejudice to any un-pure Germans”, with focus on
Jews, but what isn’t so well known is his own relation to Jewish people (Murray
5). Hitler had his own share of secrets as well, and often manipulated
situations through the omission of truth. His sneaky tendencies often attempted
to cover up his background and its suspicious ties to the Jewish culture. He
admired the aristocratic qualities of pure Germans, who often had the iconic
blond hair/blue eyes, but Hitler came from a class of peasants who had mixed
blood. (Bullock1) And, he had dark hair(Adolf Hitler Color Picture), this once
again demonstrates his tendency to repress his own “faults” as a result of
father was known to cheat and although he was never confirmed to be Jewish,
Hitler’s godfather definitely was. Furthermore, his sister opened a restaurant
for specifically Jews and even had an affair with one. Hitler’s ties to the
Jewish community at a young age built a contempt in him that he later
demonstrated in anti-jewish policies, despite his background. Now to explain
some of his behavior, or more specifically the values he preached. Hitler
disliked the mixing of blood because it is theorized that as a child he
developed syphilophobia, a fear of blood mixing through sexual contact (Murray 6).
This grew his disgust for mixed races and he projected his fears unto millions
of Germans. Another thing he projected was his support for fertility. This
stems from his own inability to “consummate in... a normal fashion”, and
furthers the theory that Hitler needed to feel superior to feel good about
with the hypotheses surrounding Hitler’s death, there are a ton surrounding his
personality. One that the government seems to entertain is that Hitler had a
scarring event in which he witnessed his parents consummate. This caused him
“to dream of himself as reestablishing the lost glory of his mother by
overcoming and humiliating his father” (Murray 6). Psychologists believe this
becomes an indirect metaphor for later in his life when his home country of
Germany is attacked. Since Hitler was a sick kid, he could not overcome his
father and instead repressed his angry feelings. This would explain why he
generally was not aggressive until his 30s, because he had buried those
thoughts of revenge subconsciously. However, at this age he felt the need to protect
his mother country, from the humiliation of economic catastrophe, and that he
had the capabilities to do it. This is where all his pent up energy took the
form of radical policies meant with “good intention”, to fix Germany’s crisis.
is a character in history who will always be viewed in a negative light. And
psychologists, teachers, students, etc. will debate how he got to that level of
aggression, prejudice, and authority, for time to come. However, what is known
facts is that Adolf Hitler suffered a childhood in which he nurtured deep
insecurities for himself and others. He manipulated situations and words to get
what he wanted so he could fill the voids of those insecurities. These
insecurities are what created such an evil character in history, capable of
irresponsible and extreme policies.
Hitler’s death has many unknown factors surrounding it. This was of course a
propaganda technique to keep his name around as well as his influence alive.
However, there are three main conspiracies, one that he escaped, one that he
nobly died, and one that he committed suicide.
first conspiracy suggests that Hitler escaped his bunker in Germany in a U-boat
and hid in Argentina. There was a new model, Submarine U-3523, “that were able
to run more silently and stay submerged for longer than any of their
predecessors, with a range that would have allowed them to sail non-stop from
Europe to South America” (Lusher 1). And while this sub was supposedly sunken,
its wreck was never found. Thus, many people found it a viable theory that
Hitler could have taken this to Argentina and escaped death itself. Moreover,
when asked about Hitler’s death, Stalin fueled the fire by stating that Hitler
was “living in Spain or Argentina” (Smithsonian Institution 1). With pictures
being taken of the dictator’s look-alikes it seemed like the perfect getaway
plan, until 2018 when the missing U-boat’s wreck was found a few miles north of
a small Danish Town (Lusher 1). In a survey of 55 people, 22% thought this was
a strong conspiracy; however, in light of recent findings it becomes evident
that it is highly unlikely for Hitler to have escaped since he did not use the
U-boat 3523.
second theory entertains the idea that Hitler had a noble death at the
frontline of the war. Initially, Soviets spread a rumor that they could not
confirm Hitler’s death and it was leaked to the press by a source unknown that
he could have died in war. They wanted to paint him in a noble picture while
also adding a sense of mystery. By not knowing the details of Hitler’s death
the public was in dismay, where did Hitler go? However, at this time the
Soviets were secretly burning and burying the bodies of Hitler and his wife Eva
Braun. (Bullock 3). This conspiracy is quickly dismissed because, logically, it
does not make sense that the dictator would be sent out to the frontlines. In
fact, in the survey, 0% thought that Hitler died in war. The public (past and
present) never accepted this as a valid conspiracy, but the introduction of
mystery caused everyone to speculate on how, where, and if Hitler died.
third conspiracy explores the different circumstances in which Hitler could
have died while in the bunker. Up until his death, Adolf was “testing
SS-supplied cyanide pills on his Alsatian, Blondi, and dictating a final will
and testament” (Frost 1). Naturally, many assumed Hitler died by suicide of
cyanide pills. And in his will, he asked for his bodies to burned and secretly
buried so autopsies were out of the question. Out of this bunker came another
conspiracy though, a soldier inside said the dictator shot himself. This was
considered a cowardly death and many Germans threw backlash on the dictator.
However, with no way to prove how he died, the public was left confused. In
recent years, Russia finally got access to his remains and confirmed the use of
cyanide and a bullet. Still, there was speculation that these were not Hitler’s
remains because there was no identifying parts. In April 2018, a Russian
scientist was given a jaw piece and confirmed through the teeth that the
remains were Hitler and he did die from cyanide and a gun. Most likely, he took
the cyanide pill first but then doubted its effects and shot himself. In the
survey, 58% believed this to be the most likely conspiracy of his death.
Hitler’s death was debated upon by many people, due to a lack of evidence; but,
in recent years with our advanced research it becomes obvious that the third
conspiracy, death by cyanide/firearm was the most accurate.
Seventy-four years later, Hitler’s
death is still being conspired upon. As a major figure in history, his life was
often analyzed for every little detail. One thing the public has had trouble
agreeing on is his death, or more specifically, how he died. There has been
three theories on how he died in 1945:
didn’t, and escaped to Argentina.
fell on the frontlines of war.
cyanide pill, or by firearm.
Argentina and the war conspiracy are interesting, and have substantial
evidence, the most likely conspiracy is he died by cyanide pill and firearm.
With new research, this theory is confirmed and puts the conspiracy of a major
figure to rest.
P “Adolf Hitler Color Picture.” Hunting Hitler, www.history.co.uk/shows/hunting-hitler/articles/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-hitler.
T Alan Bullock, Baron Bullock, et al. “Adolf
Hitler.” Encyclopædia Britannica,
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/biography/Adolf-Hitler.
S “Dividing the Spoils.” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 1 Dec. 2002,
S Frost, Natasha. “Hitler's Teeth Reveal Nazi
Dictator's Cause of Death.” History.com,
A&E Television Networks, 19 May 2018, www.history.com/news/hitler-death-cause-teeth-analysis.
S Lusher, Adam. “Submarine Rumoured to Have
Helped Nazis Escape to Argentina Is Discovered.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 19 Apr. 2018, www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/hitler-nazis-u-boat-escape-argentina-u3523-found-wreck-denmark-south-america-mengele-eichmann-a8312581.html.
P Murray, Henry A. “The Personality of Adolf
Hitler.” Central Intelligence Agency,
1999, www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78-02646R000100030002-2.pdf.
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