Robert “Bob” Lazar is a scientist from Florida, who claims to have worked at a sub-section of area 51 called S4. In 1989, Lazar stepped forward with allegations that he had worked on top secret propulsion systems in S4. Bob brought a highly detailed account of what kind of cutting-edge technology he worked with and his personal account in area 51. While Bob does not like all the publicity associated with his name, he has appeared in several interviews and had a documentary about his story released on Netflix by Jeremy Corbell. The man Lazar came forward with was George Knapp, a man well known in the UFO and conspiracy theory community (The Editors of Publications International 1). Lazar claimed to have studied at Cal Tech and MIT but has failed to produce any proof of attending either school (Urswick 2). Many use this as a crutch to debunk Bob’s story, but his first hand accounts plea otherwise. Is this the government trying to discredit Bob? Is Lazar just a man of tall tales, or is there truth hidden in one man’s previous job?
“Bob” Lazar is a man from Florida that has claimed to work at area 51 in a
sub-section called S4 as a physicist. Bob worked with the government in the mid
to late 80’s at S4 before he revealed many secrets of area 51. Bob detailed
many works he observed at S4 that rival the tales of science fiction. In 1989
Bob Lazar came to a local UFO enthusiast and radio producer George Knapp.
(Rogan 1) George filmed an anonymous interview with Lazar. Not revealing his
name or his face, lazar described a previously unknown base in area 51 called
S4. He claimed there were aircraft hangars built into the mountain around
papoose dry lake. Before this interview the only people aware of the sub-site
called S4 were former area 51 workers. (Knapp 1) In 2019 Bob Lazar
appeared on an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. In this interview
Bob claims he worked on highly advanced propulsion systems and that him and his
partner tried to reverse engineer the machine. (Rogan 1) The interesting thing
about Lazar is he is very collected. He does not go back on his story or talk
like a crazy man. Bob sounds like and looks like he knows what he is talking
about; He is not the stereotypical guy associated with a conspiracy. Lazar even
said in the Joe Rogan podcast that he hates the attention his story has brought
him over the years, and that the people that have tried to talk to him have
been frightening.

“It’s no
joke we have had people literally camp out on our front lawn. In some ways I
can relate to some of these people. Maybe some of them really did have some
experience or saw something and now their friends think their crazy. But at
least this guy on the radio knows I’m not full of shit. I have to talk to him…
Some of them are batshit crazy. It’s frightening.” (Rogan 1).
In the
interview with George Knapp Lazar stated, “Look, I’m not out there giving UFO lectures or producing
tapes. I’m not in the UFO business, I’m trying to run a scientific business,
and if I’m The UFO Guy it makes it really difficult for me. It is to my benefit
that people don’t believe the story. So when somebody says that they don’t
believe my story, I say, ‘Great. Pass it around. I don’t want you to believe it
because it makes life difficult for me.’” (Knapp 1)
integrity has been questioned by many of the skeptics. Bob claims he has a
master’s from CalTech, and MIT one degree in computer science and one degree in
physics. (Bob Lazar 1) These degrees have come into question however. Lazar has
failed to provide any record of these degrees or record that he even attended
these schools. In his interview on the Joe Rogan podcast he claims that the
government had removed many things about him from the public eye. (Rogan 1)To
this day Bob still can not even produce a birth certificate for himself. The
lack of evidence for his education would be easy to write off as a lie, but a
complete lack of a birth certificate (Rogan 1)? That is a little harder to
explain than it just being a lie. Many skeptics use these lack of documents as
an immediate write off, but they are just looking for anything to “debunk” this
story. Is it unreasonable to think the most powerful nation in the world could
bury a traitor’s records? No, it is totally reasonable to think that if Bob’s
claims were true the United States government would use any means possible to
discredit Bob. They would refrain from outright silencing him because anyone
with half a brain would realize what is happening. One author claims Bob
embellished his story about the jet car he made in the 70s. (Bob Lazar 1) The
author uses other jet engines in comparison to Lazar’s jet car. (Bob Lazar 1)
This claim of embellishment and the fact that lazar can not provide any
evidence of birth or education does raise some suspicions of his character. One
who would embellish a story being written in the paper would not be above lying
to millions of people. In the Joe Rogan Podcast Bob does not come off as
someone looking to profit off of his experience. He claims he regretted ever
coming out about the things he worked on in S4 and that he wished he was still
on the cutting edge of technology. While Lazar did have a Netflix documentary
made after his story, he has not made any attempts to publish or profit off of
his story. He explicitly states in the podcast that he hates attention and that
attention is the last thing he wants coming from his story. Only Bob lazar
knows the truth behind his story but many love to speculate on how much is real
and how much is fiction.
The most far fetched theory is
that Bob Lazar is telling the truth about Area 51 and S4. Bob initially made
his claims in 1989, While that was 30 years ago Lazar has had a lot of time to
think about his story. Bob never goes back on or recants the things he has said.
He also does not contradict himself in terms of his claims of education and his
project while under S4. Therefore, skeptics can not use contradictory claims to
discredit Bob’s story; they will have to rely on other means. Now according to
his claims, Lazar maintains the story that he got a bachelor’s degree in
physics and electronic technology from Pacifica University (TheLazarTimeline
1). He continues to hold fast to his claims of education from Cal State and Cal
Tech. That does not end his claims of education though. His last claim is a
master’s degree from MIT (TheLazarTimeline 1).

In the first few minutes of the
episode of an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience that Lazar appeared on, He
states he worked at a lab in New Mexico called Los Alamos (Rogan 1). This is
where the story truly begins. It is the summer of 1982, just months after he
got his acclaimed master’s degree when he makes the front page of the paper for
creating a “jet car.” He had attached a jet engine to the back of his Honda
Civic and was said to reach speeds up to 200mph (Bob’s jetcar article 1). The
little Japanese car would screech like plane even just idling in the parking
lot (Bob’s Jetcar article 1). His car was tested in a dry lake in California to
get a test of its speed. This is important because Bob was seen in the paper by
Edward Teller, “The Father of the Hydrogen Bomb” (Rogan 1). Bob had met Teller
and, Teller had gave Bob a reference to someone which led to the job at S4 and
Area 51. Bob recalls his application was for “advanced propulsion” with an
erratic schedule in a remote location (Rogan 1).The application itself did not
mention Area 51 at all. This is how he acquires the job at S4 where he is first
exposed to the hangar built into the mountainside overlooking Groom Lake (Rogan
1). This is significant because he is the first person to testify about this
hidden hangar that would later be confirmed to reside in the mountainside. The
first weird thing he claimed to see was in the hangar doors. Bob was told to
keep his hands at his side and his eyes forward as he walked by a UFO (Rogan
1). Bob was quoted saying this on the Joe Rogan Experience: “This is the
only time it became exciting… Now I knew we were beyond the cutting edge of
science” (Rogan 1).
Lazar claims he was given very
little information about his project but he was given just the essentials so
him and his lab partner could begin working on it. He also makes a point of his
personal safety being in jeopardy. Bob’s lab partner told him about the death
of the former scientist while also working on the reactor Bob was working on
(Rogan 1). The reactor is specifically the project lazar was brought in to
backwards engineer as part of the “advanced propulsion” projects (Rogan 1).
Lazar himself describes the reactor as a plate with a half sphere like a half
of a basketball and when the half sphere is attached to the plate it emits a
gravity field away from its center (Rogan 1). This goes against all known laws
of physics. The word gravity connotes that it would be pulling things toward
its center, but what Bob is describing is something more like the concept of
anti-gravity found in science fiction. It’s like when you try to attach two
like ends of a pair of magnets together, there will be a magnetic field
providing resistance against you. This is how Bob describes the reactor itself
across the entire Joe Rogan podcast and across the documentary he is heavily
featured in entitled “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers”.
Now the story becomes a bit
more complicated as he described the fuel it takes to run this reactor.
Allegedly the reactor was powered by an element not yet discovered in the
scientific community. Lazar avows this all the way back in his first interview
with George Knapp, a UFO enthusiast and news anchor in the las vegas area. The
element was later discovered and announced to the public in 2003 (Meet Element
115 1). The element was placed on the periodic table in the 115th spot and was
called Moscovium (Meet Element 115 1). While Lazar could have had no pre-existing
knowledge of this element he could have fabricated this with a hunch that a new
element would be discovered. However, at that time there were only 109 elements
known. If he were fabricating this story wouldn't 110 be the next best
element to say must exist. Bob also claims that it ran off of a stable variant
of Moscovium but that still has not been made today by scientists around the
world. They have only made non-stable isotopes of the element which die in
seconds (Facts About Moscovium 1).
People that believe Bob’s story
use his testimony about element 115 as proof that he really is telling the
truth. People that attempt to disprove Lazar’s testimony use the fact that the
element he described does not have the properties of today’s moscovium. Lazar counterclaims
by implying that he was working with an isotope of element 115 that has not
been discovered yet. Lazar describes the craft as a dark pewter color on the
interior with no wires connecting any of the pieces containing all rounded
edges (Rogan 1) He details how the inside is impossible to stand in due to its
very low to the ground ceiling. He said it felt eery like it was made for
someone half his height. It had small seats all located around a reactor in the
middle of the craft while also containing nothing in the way of control panels
buttons levers artwork or anything inside of it (Rogan 1). The craft was
circular and cold to the touch (Rogan 1) Bob provides so much detail about the
inside and the details of this flying saucer it is impressive to listen
Bob Provides so much detail
about the things he saw, tested, and worked with while he had the job at S4 but
it all just seems so far fetched. Before you take that into account you need to
take a look at the facts. Bob Lazar definitely knows his stuff about science.
He knew about the mountainside hangar before anyone else did. He knew about
element 115 before the rest of the world. He details many different things
about S4 and Area 51. He is either lying about his education or something is
trying to cover him up and discredit him. Joe Rogan brought up the following
point: “The only way your employment at Los Alamos was proven, was when someone
found an old directory of the workers and saw your name in it. “ (Rogan
1) This is almost indisputable proof that someone is making extraordinary
efforts to erase Bob’s past. Some believe he is telling the truth and that the
government is hiding the truth from the population. Conspiracy theorists
believe the government are the ones trying to hide Bob’s proof of education and
birth certificate. “I think George Knapp was the first one who uncovered that…
He saw my birth certificate disappear… Yes there was no record of it.” (Rogan
Rogan asked the question: “What
is it like to see your birth certificate erased and your employment history
erased?” (Rogan 1).
Lazar responded by saying,
“It’s frightening. It’s absolutely frightening.” (Rogan 1).
Lazar knew about a specific division of Area 51 not told to the
public until after he exposed it and a whole element that wouldn’t be
discovered for another decade. On top of that he has real human accounts of the
things tested and studied at area 51. These things are the reason so many
believe the story of Bob Lazar.
Robert “Bob” Lazar is no doubt
an intelligent man. He has detailed accounts of Area 51 and other scientific
inquiries that were later confirmed. He gives us reason to believe him by
stating he did not reveal this information for money or fame (Rogan 1).
“What really annoys me is the
people that say ‘you guys just came up with this story to make a bunch of money
or get a bunch of attention.’ First of all I don’t get any money out of this at
all. I wouldn’t even let you guys buy plane tickets for me to come out here.
Anytime Jeremy previewed the movie up in Michigan it brought a couple thousand
dollars. I made sure the two thousand dollars went to science programs at the
local highschool. I don’t take any money from this stuff. And as far as
attention goes, I hate fucking attention. I don’t like being on shows I
just want to hide in the corner and do my own thing. I got enough hugs as a
kid. If you think somehow we came up with this thing, you gotta tell me why we
did it (Rogan 1).
Bob is genuinely not the one
who wants the spotlight or attention, and it is believable when he says that he
hates attention. However, whether he did it for money or attention is not
the problem. UFOs and other things resembling science fiction are the problem.
This technology that he describes seems almost too good to be true. Just the
fact that he describes a UFO would drive people away. The most complete
argument against Bob is his lack of records of schools that he attended, and
the lack of birth certificate (TheLazarTimeline 1) (Bob Lazar 1). To this day,
Bob has not provided proof that he went to CalTech or MIT (TheLazarTimeline 1).
If He did attend these schools they just would not throw out any record of him
for no reason. If the government would want to discredit Bob, they could do it
through this means. Thinking the government would resort to this may also seem
far-fetched, but the government does have the means to spy on every citizen at
every point in time, and could have no problem putting down a geek in a lab
coat. Could Bob be making this all up? It is not impossible to think this. He
has had one story that he has stuck to without contradiction, and that is not
impossible to fabricate. He initially gave details about Area 51 in the late
80s and going into 2020 he has not once recanted his story in the public eye (Knapp
1).People outside of Lazar’s circle may never know the truth to the Lazar
story, but it is definitely an intriguing situation whether it is real or a
Works Cited
“Bob's Jetcar Article.” OtherHand,
“Facts About Moscovium (Element 115).” LiveScience,
Kramer, Melody. “Meet 115, the Newest Element on the Periodic
Table.” National Geographic, 30 Aug. 2013,
Rogan, Joe. Host. “The Joe Rogan Experience, ‘#1315 Bob Lazar & Jeremy
Corbell’” June 20, 2019.
“The Lazar Timeline.” OtherHand,
The Editors of
Publications International, Ltd. “Bob Lazar, UFO Hoaxster.” HowStuffWorks
Science, HowStuffWorks, 28 June 2018,
Editors of Publications International, Ltd. “Bob Lazar, UFO Hoaxster.” HowStuffWorks
Science, HowStuffWorks, 28 June 2018,
Luther. “The Bob Lazar Story: Area 51 Secrets Revealed.” Exemplore,
Exemplore, 28 June 2019,
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