1.Who really killed Malcolm X?
2 Did Elijah Muhammad murder Malcolm X?
3. Did the Nation of Islam plan Malcolm assassination with the FBI informers?
Now, we can look at many possibilities of Malcolm X and the conspiracies theories surrounding his assassination,
Malcom X was a man who was born during great depression out of Nebraska. His parents were Louise Norton Little and Earl Little. His dad died when he was six, he was found on trolley tracks. Earls civil right activism unfortunately lead to his death. Police then ruled out as accidents even though ultimately the white aggression were to blame leaving his mother unable to provide for Malcolm and his seven siblings. After some time, his mother was committed to a mental institute losing custody of her children.
At the young age of eight and his siblings were split up between multiple foster homes and families after separation from his family. Malcolm lost interest in school something that he once strived highest in at a young age. Malcolm went from being top of his class to finding himself top in the streets once his dreams where shot down by a white teacher when he expressed his desire to become a lawyer. After dropping out of school Malcolm began his life of crime traveling as far as Harlem, New York pimping and hustling. Falling a victim to the streets himself. Malcolm became a criminal and a drug addict landing himself in prison for 10 years for burglary.
Prison was a life changing experience for X though. Where many would fall deeper into the life, Malcolm took his time and learned from it. Giving himself a homemade education. While in prison he taught himself how to read and write by coping out the dictionary and reading the words out loud. Teaching himself not only how to read, but to understand what he was reading opening his mind into regions he’d never expected. Malcolm began reading about everything; history, politics, science, and religion.
Character Analysis
Malcolm X was intelligent because in Grove Elementary, he was in the top 3 in his class and wanted to become a lawyer, but his white teacher Mr. Ostrowski cut it short by telling him people of color couldn’t do things like that. Malcolm X went to Pleasant Grove Elementary, West Junior High School, and William Mason High School from 1939 to 1941. In 1946 Malcolm X was in prison for burglary where he began to teach himself how to read and write. Malcolm Little couldn’t even write a lick of simple English, so he began copying a dictionary. In the beginning it took him a day to write the first page down (“Malcolm X” Biography 1).
In prison he also studied the Nation of Islam (NOI) leader Elijah Muhammad. He also used to copy chapter 11 of Elijah Muhammad’s autobiography about twenty-five times. Malcolm Little then stated, “From then until now I left prison, in every free moment I had, if I was not reading in the library, I was reading in my bunk. You couldn’t have gotten me out of a book with a wedge” (Burke 1).
Malcolm X became more articulate because he became outspoken about the black Muslim faith. He then challenged the civil rights movement and the nonviolent proposals of Martin Luther King; Jr. Malcolm X wanted his followers to defend themselves against the whites’ aggression. He became an authoritative leader of the Nation of Islam, which is Islam and black nationalism combined and to seek encouragement and to disenfranchise disadvantages of young blacks (“Malcolm X “ 1).
When Malcolm Little was released from prison in 1952, he then began to spread the word of the Nation of Islam (NOI) with Elijah Mohammed in Detroit, Michigan. Articulate, passionate and an inspirational orator, Malcolm X exhorted blacks to cast off the shackles of racism, "by any means necessary," including violence. "You don't have a peaceful revolution. You don't have a turn-the-cheek revolution,” he said. “There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution (“Malcolm X” Biography 1).” With the violent revolution, he manipulated the blacks to follow him and to expand the Nation of Islam. Under his leadership the NOI expanded to 500,000 members (Mamiya 1).
In the early 1960’s Malcolm X was a leading voice of the civil rights movement. He dispensed a philosophy alternative to Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision on racism to end with a peaceful means. During 1963 Malcolm X began to become confused about his mentor Elijah Muhammad because he began having many different partnerships that was against his word (“Malcolm X” US History 1).
Malcolm X Conspiracy Theories
Thesis: In the assassination of Malcolm X, three X. The first one is Who really killed Malcolm X. The second is Was Malcolm X killed by loyalists of Reverend Elijah Muhammad. Finally, Was the Nation of Islam involved in the assassination.
Conspiracy 1: Who really killed Malcolm x? In the research it was a theory that Louis Farrakhan killed Malcolm X. The leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI) beside Elijah Muhammad. Not sure this theory works because during further research on it. It also claims Farrakhan has offered up his latest unprompted denial over the assassination of Malcolm X (brotherjesseblog 1).
Conspiracy 3: Was the Nation of Islam involved in the assassination of Malcolm X? Before Malcolm x got assassinated, he was under FBI surveillance and the Nation of Islam had FBI informers. For months, agents listened to Malcolm’s phone calls, photographed his comings and goings, and even considered bugging his Queens residence - only to hastily discontinue the operation for fear it would taint a potential conviction (Brown 1). FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover made the request to the Attorney General to authorize the tap (Brown 1).
The growing hostility between Malcolm and the Nation led to death threats and open violence against him. On February 21, 1965, Malcolm was assassinated while delivering a lecture at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem; three members of the Nation of Islam were convicted of the murder (Mamiya 1).
So overall my research there are many theories to who killed Malcolm X, but at the end it all came down to one. Many theories did not seem to make sense. Though all came down to the NOI, their name was “Thomas Hagan” (Drash 1).
Example 1
- Who really killed Malcolm X?
- Did Elijah Muhammad murder Malcolm X?
- Did the Nation of Islam plan Malcolm assassination with the FBI informers?
After looking at all the conspiracy theories, evidence points to the Nation of Islam planning Malcolm X assassination with the FBI informers.
Burke, B. (2004). ‘Malcolm X on education’, the encyclopedia of informal education. [ Retrieved: insert date].
Editors, "Malcolm X." HISTORY, 29 Oct. 2009,
“Malcolm X,”
"Opinion | When X = Literacy." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia, 6 Jan. 1993,
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