John F. Kennedy Conspiracy’s
There was more to some of the events in United States history, such as
someone was always behind it. Professor Peter Dale Scott took a deeper
look at some of the weird things that happened in the history of the United
States like John F. Kennedy’s death and questionable actions taken by the
United Sates government. Could Kennedy’s death be connected to Government
Conspiracy (”Professor Peter Dale Scott -- Dallas and Other Deep Events” 1)?
Let’s explore the topic and find the solutions.
The 35th president of the United States of America was John
F. Kennedy. He was the first Roman Catholic and the youngest president to take
office (John F Kennedy 1).
of John F Kennedy's personality traits was his extremely competitive nature.
Like a lot of competitive people wining and being successful at big and small
things were important to John F Kennedy during his short life and time as
president. He also was very Charismatic. Kennedy was a very energetic person
that put everything into what he did, like most presidents throughout our
history (John F Kennedy Personality Traits, 1). John F Kennedy was also
considered witty to some people. He was considered attractive to many people
during his short presidency term. He also used this attractiveness and his
smile to make people laugh from time to time during his presidency(Glickman
There were numerous examples of how John F Kennedy used his
wit and humor to make some people laugh. Whenever he received
criticism, he would sometimes respond with a joke or two (Glickman 1). Whenever
Kennedy was running for president during his 1960 campaign, his opponents,
experts, and critics during his time called him out because he had money.
Kennedy said, "I just received the following wire from my generous Daddy.
'Dear Jack, don’t buy a single vote more than necessary. I'll be dammed if I am
going to pay for a landslide." (Glickman 1). This shows an example of how
he replied to criticism with a joke instead of a more serious reply. "I
see nothing wrong with giving Robert some legal experience as Attorney General
before he goes out to practice law." that was his response to some
criticism for appointing his younger brother Robert Kennedy (Glickman 1). This
is another example of how he responded to criticism he received for some of his
decisions with a joke that was kind of funny if you thought about it.
An Example of Kennedys Charisma was during some of the
first live debates on television whenever he was running for president. The
debate let the audience know that John F. Kennedy's appearance with makeup make
him appear more interesting and kind-hearted compared to his opponent too many
Americans as they watched the debate for the first time on television (Answer
Not only was he considered
attractive for his good looks, but he was like a celebrity to many Americans
during his presidency because of his wealthy status, his elegant behavior, his
appearance, and his status as a bachelor (Watts 1). Some other female
celebrities were attracted to him and could've even had an affair with them. He
spent some time with beautiful Hollywood stars, models, and singers during his
presidency (Watts 1). Some examples of the women specifically would be Frank
Sinatra, Tony Curtis, Marilyn Monroe, Pamela Turner, Blaze Starr, Judith Campbell
Exner, Ellen Romestsch, Angie Dickinson, Gene Tierney, Mimi Alford, Priscilla
Wear, , and Jill Cowen (Watts 1) (Larkin 1). Those were just some women Kennedy
had an affair with during his presidency. This shows that Kennedy could have
used his attractiveness to have his way with women. Kennedy had a charismatic
charm that made him attractive during his administration (Larkin1).
had also promoted equality during his presidency by signing bills that helped
with feminism and wages in general. He experienced the rise of feminism that
supported the women's rights movement by giving them more opportunities to be
more productive in the workforce and have fewer restrictions on what they could
do. He also got to witness Martin Luther King's famous I have "A Dream
Speech." John F Kennedy signed a bill that provided the same pay for the
amount of work given to the task. The law was the Equal Pay Act of 1963 that
banned discrimination based on someone's gender and enforced equal pay of equal
employment. This is an example of Kennedy's charisma for the American people
(John F Kennedy,1).
Those were the examples
of how John F Kennedy was witty, Charismatic, and humorous. He had some funny
jokes in response to criticism (Dan Glickman). He looked charming during the
first presidential debate against Nixon (Anwsnsr 1). His youthful appearance
caused him to have some affairs with famous women (Larkin 1). Project 3
everyone believes that on November 22, 1963, by a solitary shooter, Lee Harvey
Oswald President assassinated John F. Kennedy(Daniel 1). The government may have told us that Mr.
Oswald fired three bullets from a nearby building, striking Mr. Kennedy and
Gov. John B. Connally Jr. of Texas(Daniel 1).
You would think that most of the citizens of the
United States would think that most people would believe what the government
says(Daniel 1). Still, a significant part of the general society has never
ultimately purchased that clarification.
A trove of documents expected to be exposed to the public on Thursday,
which the government had since a long time ago battled to keep from general
visibility, they probably wanted to address a portion of the paranoid ideas
that have waited for a considerable length of time(Daniel 1).
If you plunge into the
records or read news inclusion, invigorate your memory here on a portion of the
individuals, hypotheses, and different parts of the death(Daniel 1).
The First Conspiracy
suggests that there must have scientifically been multiple shooters because of
the belief that the magic bullet theory presented by Arlen Spencer is
false(John 1).
Government examiners
discharged an 888-page report on the death, shaping the official clarification
of the occasions on September 27, 1964(Daniel 1).
Arlen Spector was the man
intently connected with the single-projectile hypothesis. Spencer's said that one of the shots hit both Kennedy and
John Connally. This bullet has been referred to as the "magic
bullet." Oswald had shot at Kennedy's motorcade there times. The first, as
far as anyone knows, hit President Kennedy in the back yet didn't enter too
profoundly. Kennedy was hit in the head from the third shot.".(John
Since it set no fault on
recommended plotters like socialists, foreign governments, the American
knowledge network, or conservative conservatives Some people could have become
skeptical about the explanation. The government said that Lee Harvey Oswald
acted alone in murdering the President and that Jack Ruby acted alone in
executing Mr. Oswald two days after the fact(Daniel 1). Among its progressively
questionable disputes was that a single slug — insultingly alluded to as a
"magic bullet" — struck both Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Connelly, who
endured the shoot. The hypothesis was made to a limited extent by Arlen
Specter, the long-term Pennsylvania congressperson who, at the time, was from
the get-go in his vocation(Daniel 1). Cynics frequently state it would have
been outlandish for Mr. Oswald to fire sufficiently quick to hit both Mr. Kennedy
and Mr. Connelly, or for the equivalent "magic bullet" to strike the
two men(Daniel 1). The theory says that the "magic bullet" couldn't
do what It did. Therefore there had to be other shooters beside Oswald(Daniel
1). The proposed conspiracy theory that
a hypothetical second shooter was
possibly shooting the vehicle what has gotten known as the "green
meadow," a territory ahead and to one side of the motorcade(Daniel
The conspiracy theory
that Lyndon B Johnson and others could have plotted John F Kennedy's death was
the fact that Kennedy's wife believed Lyndon B Johnson was behind the
assassination. Some tapes suggest so. Months after the President's passing on
November 22, 1963, there were recording made my Kennedys wife she uncovered her conviction that
Johnson and a plot of Texas magnates coordinated the homicide of her better
half by shooter Lee Harvey Oswald.
The tapes she recorded, guaranteed that the
Dallas murder was a piece of bigger connivance to enable Johnson to become
American President. (Jackie believed Lyndon B. Johnson had John F. Kennedy
killed 1) Johnson, who filled in as an
individual from Congress, finished Kennedy's term after the death and proceeded
to be chosen, President. More evidence for this theory is that Arthur Schlesinger Jnr recorded the tapes
with Jackie Kennedy inside the vehicle a while before Kennedy died. The
recordings have been put away because of the request from Mrs. Kennedy to kept
it a secret. The files were kept a secret for a while, which could make some
people feel suspicious and believe the conspiracy. I don' think that if she
found the idea that Lyndon B Johnson was behind, it doesn't make it
accurate.(Jackie believed Lyndon B. Johnson had John F. Kennedy killed 1)
The last conspiracy was
the Irish Mafia was behind the murder(Brady).
In 2018, Vulture ran a meeting with then
85-year-old arranger and maker Quincy Jones. Jones replied, "Who murdered
Kennedy." When Marchese squeezed the maker, he singled out Sam Giancana, a
Chicago hoodlum whose name has drifted around Kennedy intrigue hovers for quite
a long time. Out of sight of The Irishman, Jones' hypothesis poses a potential
threat. I'm damn sure in my heart that
Robert F. Kennedy turned into my human foe that night."(Tarpley 1)
There was a investigate of a Kennedy-related
report made open in 1997—which nitty-gritty an astonishing collaborate between
the CIA and the crowd. As per a 1975 report, the CIA offered $150,000 to the
Mafia to kill Cuban pioneer Fidel Castro. The information was a piece of
instructions for Attorney General Kennedy—who was discontent with the entire
thing since it undermined his battle against the Mafia at the time. The hit on
Castro was a failure. The conspiracy suggests that because of the failed
assassination attempt drove some trick scholars to state that it's what drove
the Irish Mob to assault the Kennedy family. (Brady 1) In simpler terms, Robert
Kennedys failed attempt caused the Mob to retaliate and plot the assaination of
John F Kennedy(Brady 1).
Works Cited
Craziest Rumors About the Kennedys." Best Life,
12 Aug. 2019,
Glickman. "Kennedy's Wit and Humor: A Legacy for Political
Leadership." TheHill, 20 Nov. 2013,
Editors, "John F. Kennedy." HISTORY,
29 Oct. 2009,
Kennedy: US History for Kids ***." American Historama: United
States History for Kids ***, 9 Jan. 2018,
Examples Showed That JFK Had Charisma - Answers.",
"Image over ideology: How John F. Kennedy redefined the American
Presidency." 2 June 2017,
"A J.F.K. Assassination Glossary: Key
Figures and Theories." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News
& Multimedia, 27 Oct. 2017,
"Arlen Specter." Spartacus Educational,
'The Irishman's? Gonzo Theory That the Mob Killed JFK." The Daily Beast,
26 Nov. 2019,
Believed Lyndon B. Johnson Had John F. Kennedy Killed.", 2 Nov. 2019,
Irishman' Makes a Subtle Reference to the Mafia's Suspected Involvement in
JFK's Assassination." Esquire, 1 Oct. 2019,
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