On 9/11/2001 The first hijacked plane crashed through the 94th to
the 98th floors of the World Trade Center's 110-story North Tower; the second
jet slammed into the 78th to the 84th floors of the 110-story South Tower.
There was widespread damage throughout both buildings. The conspiracy questions
1. Did the jet fuel
burn so hot as to melt the structural integrity of both buildings?
2. Were explosives placed within the structures of the two
buildings to cause a pancake effect to collapse the Towers?

Let’s take a look at several
conspiracy theories to find out the true facts of what really took place on
that fateful day of 9/11.
George H.W. Bush was a very considerate man. “George Bush was possibly the most
kind and considerate person I have ever known in my life”. (Baker 1):
You name it he did it. And then
he became vice president for eight years and then president of the United
States. But throughout that entire period, he never forgot who he was. He never
let it all get to his head. He was a man of great humility. He was humble.
(Washington Post 1)
Bush was not like your average president; he did things any average human would
do. For example, he would give his dog a bath and go running in the mornings.
Bush stayed in Washington for Christmas, so his bodyguards could go home to
their families. He did not only think of himself, he also thought of his staff,
friends, and family. He was always very kind to people. He sent out thank
you letters by the dozen. He helped middle class families.
In 2003 President Bush proposed
and signed the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act. This legislation:
Reduced the top tax rate on dividends and capital gains to fifteen
percent, accelerated income tax rate reductions. Accelerated the expansion of
the ten percent bracket. Accelerated the increase of the child credit to one
thousand dollars, accelerated the reduction in the marriage penalty, quadrupled
small business expenses from $25,000.00 to $100,000.00, and increased bonus
depreciation for businesses to fifty percent, through 2004. (Bush 1)
Even before Bush became president, he was a wealthy man. His family’s wealth goes
back generations: Even though the Bushes were wealthy, they were not flashy.
They did not spend hundreds of dollars on one outfit: “George H.W. Bush’s wife,
Barbara famously wore fake pearls and twenty-nine-dollar shoes to George H.W.
Bush’s inaugural ball in 1989”. (Bush 1) Barbara and Bush had a net worth of
$25,000,000. That is equal to $205,000,00, today.
The 41st president received
only a modest inheritance, and once he was established in business, he did not
use his family’s money. It was not until 1966, when he sold his interest in an
oil drilling business before running for congress, that he was considered
wealthy. In 1988, the times estimated his net worth as two million dollars, and
the newspaper attributed the majority of the increase in his assets to
buying and selling houses when he and his family moved in. (Dangremond 1)
Bush was also a very dedicated man. He spent most of his life in politics. He
became a millionaire by the time he was forty years old:
began his political career when he became the Republican Party chairman in
Harris County, Texas. In 1964, Bush ran for a U.S. Senate seat against
incumbent Democratic Senator Ralph Yarborough. In November, Democrat Lyndon
Johnson of Texas was overwhelmingly elected President, and Yarborough defeated
Bush by a margin of 1,463,958 to 1,134,337. In 1966, Bush ran for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, from Houston's
Seventh district. Running as a moderate Republican, he won the election
with more than fifty percent of the vote. He was reelected in 1968. (Miller 1)
Bush started his career in politics at eighteen years old. After being in
politics for about thirty years, he left office. His determination paid off; he
had several accomplishments to show for his career.
First conspiracy was; there was
no way that the jets that flew into the towers could have caused the wide
spread damage that was 80 stories below! This was claimed by the San
Independent Media Center
website. They claimed on their website that it was obvious and
irrefutable that other
explosives. Such as concussion bombs were detonated in the lower levels
tower one at the same time of
the crash. According to a FEMA major study was released in the
spring of 2005. The jet fuel
was quite hard to document as it traveled down the elevator shafts
and when doors opened, flames
bursted out and killed many people. Jules and Gedeon Naudet
gave a similar observation
testimony when they arrived at tower one and entered as the jet hit
and witnessed people that were
on fire and found that the scene was too horrific to film.
The second conspiracy was the
“melted steel effect”. My sources stated that Americans were lied to. “The
first lie was that the load of fuel from the aircraft was the cause of the
structural failure”. (History 1).
There is a truth that no
kerosene fire can burn hot enough to melt steel.
Some experts state that the
frames didn’t need to melt but only lose structural strength to be hot
enough to collapse. New York
deputy fire chief Vincent Dunnstated that “he never has seen
steel melt by extreme heat,
that he only witnessed twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel
according to his expertise and
experience”. (Patti 1)Fact: Jet fuel burns 800 to 1500 degrees F. To melt steel
it must be hotter at a temperature of 2750 degrees F.
The third conspiracy theory was
the “puff of dust” that was caused by explosions not the plane
crashes. As for, a mere plane
crash couldn’t cause a puff of dust and debris. The plane crash
would only cause some of the
structural damage. Not a whole entire 104 story building to
collapse to ground zero without
the help of some sort of destructive device such as an explosive. I believe the
building had some sort of preparation with some sort of bombs, or
substance that caused the
building to not only explode but be engulfed in flames and fall 104
Stories to ground zero, as it
is today.

In conclusion all three
theories are very highly validated and have had a lot of time and thought
process put into the work. In my survey the highest voted theory appears to be
the explosive theory. The theory has a really great argument and provides
exceptional evidence in how the building collapses, I personally believe in
this theory also. There is no possible way through the laws of chemistry and
physics that a single commercial airline plane could cause a titanic skyscraper
to collapse to nothing but ash, dust, and debris. More than half of the COM
student body I asked believes this theory, that there were bombs that went off
in the skyscraper. More importantly, More than half of the student body
believes that the U.S. Federal Government had involvement in the 9/11 terrorist
attack in New York City. Do the theories that are provided to the public expose
the truth and the government blames it on a terrorist group? Or was it
just a normal day in there U.S.
unexpectedly turned upside down by a terrorist attack that the government was
unaware of. Well if that’s what they want us to believe.
Works Cited
H. W. Bush: Life Before the Presidency." Miller Center,
10 Dec. 2018, millercenter.org/president/bush/life-before-the-presidency.
H.W. Bush Was Born Into Exceptional Wealth. Here's What We Know About
the Fortune He's Leaving Behind." Yahoo Finance - Business Finance,
Stock Market, Quotes, News, 3 Dec. 2018,
"President George H.W. Bush Did More Than He Got Credit
For." George H.W. Bush Accomplished Much More as President Than He Ever
Got Credit For, 1 Dec. 2018, time.com/4754901/president-george-hw-bush accomplishments/.
RECORD - FACT SHEET: President Bush Helped Americans Through Tax Relief." Welcome
to the White House, 12 Jan. 2009,
George H.W. Bush's Life Was Like After Leaving the White House." Town
& Country, 1 Dec. 2018, www.townandcountrymag.com/society/money-and-power/a19828117/george-bush-barbara-bush-net-worth/.
Editors, History. "Attack on America."HISTORY, 24Nov.2009,www.history.com/this-day-in-history/attack-on-america.Graff,
GarrettM. "Behind the 9/11 White House Order to ShootDownU.S. Airliners:
'It Had to Be Done?"HISTORY,
Keaton. "RebunkingConspiracy Theories: 9/11."McSweeney'sInternet
Tendency, 27Sept.2016,www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/9-11.Staff, Newsone.
"The 11 Most Compelling 9/11 Conspiracy Theories."News One,
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