Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Project MK-Ultra by Cinthia Quintero

The Project MK Ultra sounds like a big festival or some crazy drug you’d take. Sadly, that is not the case. This is a mind controlling experiment programmed by CIA and U.S. Government. In an article written by A&E Television Network Editors they explain that human experimentation was conducted by Allan Dulles in fear of having the Soviet, Chinese, and Korean agents brainwash the U.S. prisoners. ( “MK Ultra” 1). This project would use drugs and different therapies in order to preform different tests on the subjects. Using celebrities became a part of this conspiracy, celebrities known as Beyoncé Knowles, Britney Spears, Shaq, and the list goes on. Those who conducted this experiment would lure some of their subjects in without them knowing by using prostitutes, would then proceed to drug the subjects and would continue with the experiment. Let’s go into the theories in more detail.

Frank Olson, a well-known scientist who worked in the CIA during the Project MK Ultra experiments. As one of the first scientists who worked on such a deranged experiment, he was known and had a lot experience. (“Kinzer” 1). Olson wasn’t a secretive man, only when it came to his family he decided to sneak things around. Olson’s family thought he worked for only the U.S. Army, not the CIA. This was a shock to them once they found out after Olson’s tragic death. A suicide you may ask, well we’ll see about that. Olson was a very successful man while he worked on the Project MK Ultra, he would create certain aerosol weapons to use them and experiment with them on the test subjects. (“Nicolaou”. 2).

Frank Olson was a smart, tall man; his intelligence made him who he was, and it built a good career for him. He graduated High School in 1927 and immediately went to college to further his education and begin a career. Olson later married Alice Wicks, and they had three children. (“Iron County Miner” 1) Olson received a master’s degree and would teach at Purdue University while still doing research. Olson was a part of the R.O.T.C. Program in his school and was called to duty. Olson was mainly stationed in Maryland but got chosen to go and work at Camp Detrick where he would help with aerosol weapons. (“Iron County Miner” 1) Frank Olson lived a very suspenseful and graphic career, he saw some unimaginable things and went through traumatic experiences.

On an early morning of November of 1953, 43-year-old, Frank Olson plunged to his death from the 13th floor of his hotel window, suicide was the immediate thought. But the evidence was strange. According to Franks kids and wife, he never would’ve been the type to want to commit suicide, according to his wife he called the night before and seemed excited to return home. (“Fischer” 1) The death itself was suspicious to the family, however, they grieved the passing of their father and husband. Two decades after his tragic death Olson’s son, Eric was suspicious and wanted to know what truly happened to his father. (“Fischer” 1)

            Eric Olson wanted to find out if the government killed his father or not, Eric was going to and did everything in his power to figure out how his father died. William Colby a CIA director who worked with Frank Olson, invited Eric Olson and the rest of his family for a dinner, during that dinner Eric Olson and Colby got into an argument which then lead to Colby giving Olson a bunch of CIA documents and Frank Olson being the very first one, in that document Olson figured out that his father and a few other scientists were lured to a “mandatory” retreat, during that meeting they were given drinks laced with LSD. For Frank Olson, he had a very bad trip, he became agitated, more paranoid and showed very strange behavior. Olson was flown to New York to be under the supervision of an allergist who had a very close relationship with the CIA. The allergist and Olson shared a hotel room with two beds, the night of the tragedy the allergist woke up to the sound of glass breaking, his immediate reaction was not to call police or an ambulance or even get help, it was to call his boss. (“Fischer”1)

            With this being found out Eric Olson had a lot more evidence and trust that his father was murdered, and his conspiracy was becoming a reality. Eric Olson dropped everything and put his focus on getting justice for his father.

Project MK Ultra, a mind controlling experiment with thought provoking conspiracies. One being all the kinds of different drugs and therapies that were used during this experiment, the other about how celebrities and who is a part of this, and finally the different trickery used to lure people in.

            The first conspiracy is that this experiment was said to use various types of drugs on their subjects and many different therapies. Said experiment was used to extract information and have the subjects give all the information they could under the influence. (“Wendord, Marcia.” 1) The main choice of drug that they would use would be LSD, a hallucinogenic drug. They would use LSD because the effects of it help the victim lose defense of their thoughts and would basically have them word vomit, which is just what the CIA was looking for (“Wendorf, Marcia.”). One of the victims of this drug was Frank Olson, a scientist who worked with this experiment. Olson was given LSD without his consent at a mandatory meeting he attended. The LSD affected him so bad that either heommitted suicide or the LSD was given to him and was used to have him easily murdered by the CIA themselves due to him wanting to resign.

            The second conspiracy is that celebrities being part of Government cults, programs or groups is no surprise to anyone. A big celebrity thought to be linked to the Illuminate is Beyoncé Knowles, after Knowles cleared up rumors about being in the Illuminate fans still thought she was under some sort of mind control by the government. After Knowles was seen zoned out or how some like to put it “had a glitch” at a basketball game, theories have flown through the roof. (“White, Tiffany.” 1) Many more celebrities are thought to be under this mind controlling experiment, but no one truly knows or has any answers. A survey of 20 people concluded that 80% believe that some celebrities have some sort of connection to a mind controlling experiment or something connected to the government whatever it is.

            The third conspiracy is that they would lure victims. Those who would buy prostitutes would be lured with prostitutes and would be drugged with LSD that was slipped into their drink. Luring was said to be a big strategy for them. They would lure people obviously involuntary and would run tests and interrogate them. They would lure these people so it would be easier to interrogate and so they could have more test subjects.  Yet no one truly knows what they would do during these luring times, the theory has yet to be proven

            Project MK-Ultra will continue to have many conspiracy theories, but after much research and investigating of my own, the 2 most realistic/ proven theory are the following:

1.         Using drugs during experiments

2.         Different ways they would lure subjects

Those two theories provide the most evidence and proof. This experimentation will always have unanswered questions and no one will know the truth of what went on besides those who worked in it.

 Work Cited

 Wendorf, Marcia. "The CIA's Mind Control and LSD Program MK-Ultra." Interesting Engineering, 29 Aug. 2019, Accessed 9 Nov. 2019.

White, Tiffany. "MK Ultra Celebrities? Is Hollywood a Victim of Mind Control?" In Touch Weekly, 25 Oct. 2017, Accessed 9 Nov. 2019.

Fischer, Mary A. "The Man Who Knew Too Much." Accessed 23 Oct. 2019.

Kinzer, Stephen. "From Mind Control to Murder? How a Deadly Fall Revealed the CIA's Darkest Secrets." The Guardian, 6 Sept. 2019, Accessed 23 Oct. 2019.

Miner, Iron County. "Frank Olson (1910-1953).", Accessed 23 Oct. 2019.

Nicolaou, Elena. "The True Story Of This New Netflix Series Will Blow Your Mind." Refinery29, 18 Dec. 2017, Accessed 23

"MK-Ultra." HISTORY, History Channel, 16 2017, Accessed 25 Sept. 2019.

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